Page 6 of Sienna

She frowned. How muchwasshe worth? With every other powerful world in the galaxy worrying if they’d be attacked next by the plague of Dronians, she’d no doubt be priceless.

Little wonder the bounty hunter was so desperate to catch her.

A pity she was as clueless as anyone else about the Dronian fuckers. But she’d bet everything she had, which admittedly wasn’t much these days, that Gray wouldn’t believe her lack of knowledge.

How could her people have known they’d be attacked by an invisible and merciless army of alien fuckers? The Dronians might be their closest planetary neighbors, but they’d left each other alone...until now. She’d been at the palace when they’d struck. That she’d been unable to see them had left her fighting skills next to useless.

Even her star flyers had done little against the relentless wave of Dronians. The enemy had simply stepped over the splattered bodies of those she’d managed to kill.

The hellish memories made her eyes burn and her skin flush, her stomach cramping. She’d failed in her mission to save the royals she’d been assigned to protect. That the bodies of the king and queen, along with their children, had never been recovered meant they’d never had an official burial. Even if they had died, there was every possibility they weren’t now resting in peace.

She pressed a hand to her stomach as nausea swirled. She shook her head, shaking off the past that threatened to sabotage her future, her very existence here on Earth. As if it wasn’t bad enough she had the Dronians to contend with, now she also had Gray hunting her down.

“Asshole,” she said through gritted teeth. That she’d experienced even a little remorse for the hunter, who only cared about capturing her and taking away her freedom, then forcing her to talk, made her bristle with defiance.

Let the Dronians have him, if they dared. She was certain he’d put up a good fight, perhaps even win the skirmish. In the meanwhile she’d be miles away.

She pulled off her boots before she tugged down her bodysuit and stepped out of it. Then standing barefooted on the tufts of grass along the riverbank, she took a few seconds to enjoy being naked, the air whispering across her bare skin and making her nipples pebble.

What would Gray think seeing her naked like this? Would he approve? Would his cock grow hard for her all over again?

Her breath hissed, her brow furrowing. Damn it, she wasn’tthatdesperate for a lover...was she?

Yes, you are. That he’s the first man you’ve met here on Earth who reminds you of a warrior, of a real man who knows how to fight, to kill, only makes you want him more.

A shiver slipped down her spine as she shoved her clothes and boots into a crevice at the base of some large rocks along the riverbank. If she had a chance, she’d be back for them. She’d be mad not to after having them specially made for her human form.

She wasn’t much good at mind control, but a few days after landing on Earth, she’d managed to persuade an up and coming fashion designer to make her the bodysuit, with its deep, lined pocket that perfectly fit her rapier and its scabbard. She didn’t want to have to push her mind control ability yet again, better to just return for the clothes once it was safe to do so.

That she’d left her beloved rapier behind on the train was just something she’d have to deal with. Either she’d find another, similar weapon, or she’d devise a way to find the rapier that had become like an extension of herself.

She took a step closer to the river that drew her like a magnet. She was getting desperate now to dunk herself beneath the water and shift into her primary form. She needed to swim in the river’s depths even more than she needed to be with a man.

She was one step away from touching the water, silt and mud oozing between her toes and over her bare feet, when a large dark shape whooshed just above her head. She fell back with a gasp, her wide eyes taking in the winged being as it landed gracefully just a few yards away from her, its outspread wings obstructing her from any other visual of its features.

She was too shocked to move, to even breathe. What the fuck was she dealing with now?

Then the being straightened, its wings tucking behind its back even as it turned and stalked toward her, its face coming into sharp focus under the full moon and her rapier glinting in its hand. She inhaled sharply, her breath then hissing out. “Gray.”

That his hoodie was gone and some kind of tan armor covered his torso, so snug it could almost have been a part of him, didn’t stop her from perceiving his musculature beneath. He was a superb male, ripped like an athlete and probably twice as fit. That he moved like a predator did things to her she didn’t want to think about.

Then there was his face, which his dark-and-gold striated hair only emphasized. His brow was broad, his slightly hooked nose making him seem more like a hunter than ever before, like an eagle soaring through the skies with its massive wings. His golden eyes were bright and calculating, sparkling with intelligence under the moonlight.

That his neck wound was already healed, with only a gash on his cheek and arm revealing his battle with her Dronian enemies, made her realize how fast he healed.

“Bet you didn’t see that coming,” he said wryly, shaking his wings out behind him as if to emphasize his point.

“I had no idea.”

Did all his kind have wings, or was he one of a very few, like therareson her planet? She knew very little about his kind, but surely she would have known if they’d had wings?

He smiled crookedly before he bent and pushed her rapier under the crevice with her clothes.

She blinked. What was he doing? Had he noticed her hidey-hole from up in the air? Was his vision that amazing?

She must have spoken her thoughts out loud when he said in an amused tone, “Don’t go getting too impressed.” A heartbeat later he was standing over her and bending again, before he scooped her up. “You’re my prisoner now.”

She shook her head. “No, please, not yet. I-I need the water. Even just a few minutes will make me feel better.”