Page 41 of Mercilessly Bred

The barber’s words played on my mind and I couldn’t help but think about his story. He had revealed more than Sebastian ever would, and I desired to learn more about his experiences and offer him my support and understanding.

He cleared his throat, shattering my daydreams, and his eyes blazed as he looked up and met my gaze. My throat thickened, as if a stone had settled at the base, cutting off my words. The flicker of fire in his eyes refused to die, and any hope of having a meaningful conversation dissipated into thin air. It was impossible to talk to him like that. I should know that by now.

Yet, the blasé in his eyes awakened my soul. Why in the hell did I have to feel things for this man? He was about to throw me out on my ass.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, his tone as close to indifference as possible.

"Exploring," I said, feeling the smooth wood floor under my feet as I moved further into the room.

“I suppose you have to fill your time with something when you’re not on your back with your legs spread, taking my cock.”

My jaw dropped. “Excuse me?”

He smirked, and I hated that my core clenched in response.

“Don’t be shy now, princess. And don’t act like you don’t love spending your afternoons writhing under me.”

He was right, but I’d never admit that. Instead, I moved around the room, trying to act like I wasn’t worried to death about what was going to happen. Maybe if I played his game, it would throw him off enough to buy me some time.

“What are you reading?” I asked as my eyes scanned the bookshelves.

“Treasure Island.”

I nodded. I’d never read it, and I didn’t think watching the Muppet version when I was a kid was going to give me the ability to carry on a conversation about it. Instead, I picked up a random book from the shelf without looking and carried it over to take a seat in the chair directly across from him.

“I never would have thought you were interested in books about pirates,” I said, not sure why I bothered, but I couldn’t help myself.

“Interesting. I’m not surprised at all at your book of choice. I always suspected you had an adventurous side.”

As I glanced down, I noticed I had picked up a book on the Kama Sutra. Embarrassed, I quickly placed it back down on the table. My face flushed with heat as I looked up at him, and couldn't help but notice the slight curve of his lips, as if he was amused. But it was gone in a flash, and from the look of his stern expression, I knew I was in trouble.

“Are you ready to take your test?”

“Please, don’t do this,” I begged.

So much for my pride.

“We have an agreement. I need an heir.”

“Give it more time. Pregnancy can take a while.”

It was humiliating to beg him to let me stay and fuck me until I was pregnant. I told myself to shut up and walk away, but I couldn’t fight against my desperation. I was afraid to be on my own again. All of my previous determination had disappeared, and I just didn’t want to go. This castle was a haven for me. No one would think to look for me here. I was fed and clothed and didn’t have to worry about being assaulted daily.

There was also a small part of me that didn’t want to leave Sebastian. It was hard to accept that, because he was crushing me with that emotionless stare of his.

He was immovable, and despite Barclay’s entrance with the pregnancy test, Sebastian remained firm and unchanging in his decision. He was committed to keeping his promise.

I boiled with anger, and I surged up from the chair, snatching the test from the table beside Sebastian, where Barclay had left it. My heavy footsteps echoed down the hall as I stomped to the bathroom. This time, Sebastian didn’t follow me.

A sign that this was truly over.

Taking the test felt different without him. I hated the fact that he insisted on watching me, but I felt strangely lonely without him.

After I finished peeing on the stick, I could feel my heart pounding as I placed it on the counter and stepped out of the bathroom. I wasn't going to hang around and be subjected to his orders to leave. I had already begged and pleaded for him to change his mind. That was bad enough.

Leaving the bathroom, I headed in the opposite direction of the study, going for the front door. Somewhere behind me, I heard Sebastian call out my name, but I didn’t turn around. I was done with this. I was leaving before he got the chance to force me.

Grabbing the same oversized coat by the door that I had been using on my walks, I whipped it around my body and walked out. I barely kept my head held high, being so riddled with anger and embarrassment.