JaceandCashhavebeen banging hammers and swearing like there is no tomorrow for the last two hours. Cash turned up at 3:00 p.m. I was hoping he would come earlier so he could go earlier and me and Jace could have the rest of our day to ourselves. I swear to God, he’s either working or I am. I don’t see him nowhere near as much as I would love to, so days like this are special. However, I have been wanting that closet up for months, so I’m glad it’s finally being done.
It’s just past five, so I best check on them to see if they want a drink. I walk into the bedroom and stop dead in my tracks. Jace and Cash are topless, and I shamelessly can’t even look away. They have a lot of similarities facewise, but my God, even their bodies are similar, although Cash is slightly taller and broader. I keep gawking at them, noting the sweat running down their backs. The window is still shut. It’s cold this time of the year, maybe bringing some air in will help. Before I can make them aware of my presence, Jace interrupts my thoughts.
“You good, Ry?” he asks, tilting his head.Oh my God, where was I looking?I totally zoned out.
“I, uh, I wanted to see if you both wanted a drink, you have been in here a while,” I rush out, scratching my head and trying to act cool. Like I have been caught doing something I shouldn’t have. Cash has turned to me, which, for some unknown reason, makes heat flood to my cheeks. For fuck’s sake. Jace smirks at me, like he knows.
“A beer, please,” Cash mumbles, breaking my attention away from Jace. I nod, turning around and walking back toward the kitchen. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I realize I didn’t ask Jace what he wanted. I’ll just get him a beer. I turn around and Jace is standing there with that smirk on his face again. I push the beers out in front of me, motioning for him to take them.
“Cheeks are a bit flushed, you hot?” he teases.
I don’t even entertain his wicked attempt at trying to make me more embarrassed.
“No, I’m good, thanks. You can get back to work now.” I smile up at him.
“Was you just checking out my dad, Ry?” Jace once again teases.
“Absolutely not,” I abruptly state.Oh, God. I must have been staring at Cash when Jace saw me. I wasn’t even looking at Cash likethat. I mean, I was but I wasn’t. It was more of admiration for like his age, you know?
“Uh-huh.” Jace smirks. “He might have the muscles, Ry, but I got more stamina, baby. Remember that.” He winks, turning around, walking back to the room, laughing.Asshole.
Jace walks into the kitchen, dropping himself on the chair next to me.
“All finished,” he says, wiping away the beads of sweat off his head.
I lean up, giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“You’re the best.” I squeal. I walk to the fridge to get him a beer. I’m so happy those closets are now up. I’m a typical girl who loves shopping and has way too many handbags, shoes, and clothes I will probably never wear again, but you never know. I needed the extra closet space, so Jace said he would build one in my dressing room, which is meant to be a guest room, but I have taken it over with all of my belongings. It took a while, but it’s finally done.
“Is your dad still here?” I say before grabbing his beer out the fridge.
“Yeah, he’s just packing his tools away. Grab him a beer too, please, babe.”
I grab both beers, placing them in front of Jace as Cash walks out.
He grabs the beer off the table and nods as a way of saying thank you. I don’t know why the asshole can’t just use actual words. I must show him how manners work, clearly.
“Cash,” I say, which causes him to stop with his beer midair.
“Thank you for helping Jace with the closet. I really appreciate it,” I say, looking him straight in the eye.I swear to God if he just nods, I will scream.
“You’re welcome, Rylee” is all he says, but it’s something. I’ll add that to the 300 words he has said to me in the last five years.Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but I bet it’s not far off.He takes a few big gulps of the beer before placing it down on the kitchen side. Jace is on his phone, probably reading emails.I’m surprised Cash is not doing the same.As if reading my mind, Cash pulls his phone out of his back pocket, scrolling through it. I’m just standing here like a spare part. I want to see the closet, so I slip away, not that they would notice, heading into my dressing room.
“Ahhhhhh!” I scream.
Feet shuffle down the hall and then Jace and Cash are next to me, glaring at me like I have grown an extra head while I stand here with the biggest grin on my face.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jace says.
I grin up at him. “The closet, I just love it so much, look how pretty it is in the room.”
I hear what I think is a moody growl next to me from Cash as he exits the room.Dick.
I hug Jace around the neck and smack a big kiss on his lips. “Did I tell you how much I love you?”
He pulls a thinking face. “I don’t think you have, come to think of it, but you can show me.” He winks.
“Later.” I smile.