“Hmm, lets see what your birthday brings.” She winks at me and walks toward the restaurant doors.
Chapter Two
Walkingintotherestaurant,Jace has already made them aware that we are here under the reservation Bridget booked. We are shown to our table, which is in a private room set out at the back of the restaurant, hidden away. The setup is beautiful, the rectangular table with two bottles of champagne cooling in ice, and jugs of water set out down the middle. There are glass windows surrounding us, flooding the room with natural light. To the left is a set of double doors which would open up onto a beautiful large garden, it’s a shame it’s not summer in Baltimore. Otherwise, having those open with the sunshine would be amazing, but no, it’s like the Antarctica outside. It’s still a lovely view while we eat.
I glance at my phone to see how long we have until Jace’s dad turns up with the rest of his family. “Okay, we got ten minutes until he gets here, Bridget, what can I do?” Bridget hands me some table confetti which saysHappy Birthdayand asks me to scatter it across the table, then hands Happy Birthday banners and tape to Jace and asks him to put them up on the walls surrounding our table. I glance over at Jace and smirk. He’s already side-eyeing me with a flat smile, trying to hold his laugh in. Bridget is sticking balloons on the walls and even has some helium ones to tie to the back of his dad’s chair.
I personally can’t wait to see his face, it will be the same moody frown as always. I think I have only ever seen him smile a handful of times. Jace works with him so sees him most days and says he’s fine. I told Jace it must be me, but he thinks I’m being oversensitive and said everyone has their days. Weirdly enough, when I first met Jace’s dad, he held a conversation with me. He’s always been the quiet type, the type that sits back and observes, but he was at least nice and made me feel welcome. That changed after being with Jace for about a year. I mentioned it to Jace, but he shrugged it off and blamed it on work. Five years later, and nothing has changed. Jace gets along with him and that’s all that matters, but it would be nice for him to at least try and act like he likes me instead of making it awkward.
“Oh, fuck” comes from behind me, and I spin around and Jace’s uncle is standing there with a big grin on his face, taking in all the decorations. He drags his eyes to Bridget, trying to hold down his laugh.
“Bridge, you know he is not going to like this.”
Shrugging, she says, “Tough, he can get over it, it’s not every day your big brother turns forty-five, and I want to make sure he knows it.” She smirks.
I shake my head, laughing while walking over to Boh, wrapping my arms around his waist, I tip my head back, looking up his face. He flashes his straight white teeth, looking down at me, and pulls me in for the tightest hug. Boh and I got along from the minute we met, he is the total opposite to his moody brother and actually treats me like family.
“I have missed you, kid,” Boh says while squeezing me tighter.
Boh is, in all honesty, gorgeous, like all the men in Jace’s family. Tall, dark, handsome, and they all have these piercing blue eyes that stand out in every room they are in. However, Boh is the more-rugged type out of the boys. He has tattoos covering both arms that wrap around his chest. He has this bad-boy look to him, but he’s anything but. Boh is one of the sweetest men I have had the pleasure of meeting. Although, Jace said when he needs to, he has a different side, but I have yet to see this side, not that I want to, I love Boh’s sweet and cheeky side. I give him a playful frown. “That is not my fault, you never come see us at the apartment anymore.”
“I know. You know what work is like. It takes over and the days fly by. I will come see you both soon.” I cast my eyes down his chest and step back slightly, but he still holds on to me with an arm hanging beside me.
“Red suits you. I don’t think I have seen you in it before.” He is wearing a red Henley with the sleeves rolled up slightly to show off the busy art on his arms.
Jace walks over, grabs me by the waist, and pulls my back to his front.
“Hands off my woman.” Jace laughs while he and Boh slap each other on the shoulder.
“It was your Mrs. checking me out. Telling me I suit red.” He winks at me.
I shake my head while rolling my eyes and walk over to Bridget, leaving Jace and Boh to catch up. They all work together at Jace’s dad’s company, so they see each other all the time. They are always talking work, even though I tell Jace he needs to have a break when he’s out of the office, but they are all devoted to that company.
As I approach Bridget, ready to ask if everything is sorted, there’s a laugh at the door, and I turn, and a stunning girl walks in, wearing a royal-blue knee-length dress, which is basically second skin to her legs that are up to her neck, and long blonde waves, which go to her waist. She is stunning. Like drop-dead stunning. My stare is broken when a hand glides around her tiny waist and she steps back to reveal Jace’s dad. Cash Stiles. Cash looks every bit the moody asshole he normally does but with a beautiful woman on his arm this time.
Cash stands there, oozing confidence, yet he has this air of isolation surrounding him. He is devilishly handsome with his square jawline and compelling blue eyes framed with dark long lashes that have women dropping to their knees everywhere he is. He angles his head downward from his tall, lean frame to the woman by his side and flashes her his rare smile that highlights his age lines around his eyes and mouth. She glides her hand up and runs her fingers through his stubbled beard before pushing on her tiptoes and planting a gentle kiss on his lips.
I have never seen this woman before but it’s not surprising. Cash always has a new flavor of the week. Boh calls Cash’s girls that, as they literally change every week, and it just stuck. Cash hates it, so I automatically love it. Cash takes in the room while his flavor of the week stands there grinning like a puppet. My eyes slide back to Cash, his defined jaw tenses, a frown appears on his face, and then his eyes zero in on Bridget.
“Happy Birthday, my dear brother,” Bridget sings while walking over to Cash with open arms to give him a hug. Cash hugs her back but you can tell by his face, he’s not happy. He whispers something in her ear, but I’m too far away to hear what he says. By the way Bridget rolls her eyes and steps back from him, he said something shitty.What a surprise.
Cash and his girlfriend, or whoever she is, walks farther into the room. Her waves bounce around her large boobs as she sways her hips. She moves like I imagine a dancer would, elegant and perfect posture.Interesting.Boh comes up to Cash next and goes in for their brotherly hug. Although they are different, they get along well. Boh moves his eyes over to the leggy blonde.
“Flave, nice to meet you,” he says with a grin on his face. Bridget and I are trying to hide our laughs, so I have to turn around. Cash tells Boh to “Shut the fuck up,” but the girl speaks up.
“Flave?” She looks at Cash and then Boh with her head tilted.
Cash huffs in annoyance, telling her to ignore Boh, then introduces her as his girlfriend Becky. Cash has never introduced a girl as his girlfriend before, so something must be different here. He never keeps his hands on them either, and he has not taken his hands off her belted waist, which highlights just how tiny it is. He places a kiss on her nose. I find Jace’s eyes straight away, and even his eyebrows are raised to his hairline. Cash has never shown a woman affection in front of anyone. Cash pulls himself away as Jace and I introduce ourselves. Bridget leans in, giving Becky a kiss on her cheek. Jace turns his attention to Cash.
“Happy Birthday, old man,” Jace says as they lean in for a hug and slap each other on the back.
“Hold back on the old man,” Cash mumbles, breaking through with a slight smirk. He must be ill with all the little smiles he is flashing today. Okay, that is a slightexaggeration, he smiles, just not a lot.
Cash’s attention turns to me, and he leans forward, sliding his hand around my waist, giving me a side kiss to my cheek.
“Rylee, how are you?” I freeze, a bit taken back. I don’t think Cash has ever asked how I am.What has Becky been putting in his drink at night?He drops his hand, stepping back but waiting for an answer.
“I’m good, thanks,” I rush out. “Oh, Happy Birthday.” I smile as sweetly as I can, trying not to show my shock, because I think he felt me freeze when he asked me how I was.