Page 54 of Always. Forever.

“Why don’t you go home, Ry?” Rach suggests, leaning back and wiping my tear-stained cheeks.

I shake my head. “I think that will be the worse thing for me.” She nods, as if understanding why I don’t want to be on my own, probably thinking I will just sit there thinking of Jace, when it will no doubt be his dad. The thought makes me sick to my stomach.

“How about this, then, when we finish up here for the day, we go out for some drinks after work? I think some of the others are going too, or we can go out just us?”

I raise my eyebrow at her. “And is Harley going?”

“There she is, always calling me out.” She rolls her eyes while laughing.

“We need to catch up on this. I haven’t forgotten.”

“And that is my cue,” she singsongs while walking toward my office door. “Make sure you are logged off that laptop at five thirty, sharp, Ms. Matthews!” she says, shutting the door behind her.

My day went better than I thought it would, it was busy which kept my mind off things. Five thirty is fast approaching as I finish my last email for the day. I’m looking forward to getting out with the group tonight, it’s been a long time since I have been out with work friends. I press send on my last email, closing the laptop. I grab my bag and touch up on my makeup, making sure I look half presentable and not dead like I feel inside.

Rach pops her head through my door. “You ready?”

I nod. “Yep, coming.”

As I walk out of my office, Rachel takes my hand in hers.

“You sure you’re okay with coming out tonight with the guys? We can go out, just us two, and put the world to rights?” She flashes me a soft smile.

“As tempting as that sounds, I think a night out with everyone is what I need.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.” She squeezes my hand before letting go.

“Rylee!” Harley shouts as we make our way outside where everyone is waiting for a taxi. Everyone turns to me with huge smiles, showing how excited they are to see me. I know from this that I made the right decision coming out.

We all gather in three cabs, heading to O’Neill’s for some drinks. Everyone is busy talking in the cab while I take in all the lights as we pass, watching the busy world go by and everyone looking ecstatic it’s Friday and they have no work tomorrow. Before I know it, we are pulling up outside O’Neill’s. I jump out and Rach follows me, and we head inside. It’s a large bar, with gentle music playing in the background, it’s busy in here tonight, as we have to squeeze through a bunch of people to get to the bar. Rach gets there first, ordering drinks for us as she shouts back at everyone, asking what they want. She doesn’t ask me, so I’m assuming she will know to order me a wine. As I expect, Rach turns around with a cold glass of white wine, which I eagerly grab and take a large gulp. I sigh as I swallow.

“You look like you needed that,” a voice I know injects from behind me. I spin around, surprised to see James.


He smiles at me, pointing to my wine. “Long week?”

I roll my eyes at him while taking another gulp of the wine. “You have no idea.”

He chuckles to himself. “I know the feeling, so who are you here with tonight, then?” he asks.

I look around and point out as many people as I can see. “I’m just out with work for a few. What about you?” I look behind him, not seeing anyone.

“Just on my own, thought I would pop in for a quick one before going home.” He smiles, raising his empty beer glass.

“Let me get you another, I owe you a coffee from the other day,” I mention, which then makes me think of Cash, who I’m meant to not be thinking about.

“You sure?” he questions. “I don’t want to take you away from your colleagues.”

I wave him off. “Don’t be silly, you can join us if you want?” I say, pointing behind me to everyone.

He flashes an eager smile at me, nodding. “Yeah, I would like that.”

I smile at him while pushing myself through people to get to the bar. I wave a bartender down and order myself and Rach another glass of wine and James a beer, automatically ordering him what I would order for Jace. A lump forms in my throat as they pass me the beer and I pass it back to James.

“I’m sorry, I hope you’re okay with Blue Moon, it’s what—”

“Jace always drank.” James finishes my sentence while taking the beer from me. “Where do you think he got his good taste in beer from?” James winks, easing the tension.