Page 31 of Always. Forever.

“Can you just—” I take a deep breath. “Just tell me where he is,” I say while the tears pour down my face.

I look back up at Boh and then glance over his shoulder to Bridget. Bridget’s eyes avert to a room with a shut door. I’m standing up, my legs are carrying me toward the door before I can even think. Bridget says something to Boh, probably trying to stop me, but I move with speed. I need to see him. I see Cash from the corner of my eye trying to grab me, which I veer away from and burst through the door.

“Oh God.” I raise my hand to my mouth, trying to keep the sickness at bay that threatened to rise. I stand there stunned, staring at a person I don’t recognize lying in the hospital bed. That’s not Jace.

My view is blocked by someone.

“Miss, Miss.” Their lips are moving but I can’t hear what they’re saying. I look up from the person’s lips to their eyes. Sympathy. That’s all I see. Someone’s fingers bite into my skin around my arms and causes me to snap out of my trance.

“You can’t just barge in here, Rylee,” Cash spits with pure anger as he drags me out of the room. I take one last look at the person in the bed. It’s not Jace.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Rylee, they can’t do their job if you just barge in there. We are all waiting for news, not just you!” he shouts.

I look Cash in his eyes, moving from one to the other, and he appears like he has aged ten years since I saw him last.

“What are you talking about. That’s not Jace,” I say, pointing toward the room. I move my gaze from him to Bridget. Cash’s anger drops from his face and gets replaced with exhaustion. Bridget walks over to me, bringing her hands on either side of my arms, walking me away from Cash.What is wrong with them?It’s not Jace.I look at Bridget, hoping she will back me up like she always does.

“Rylee, let's go get coffee.” Bridget pulls me toward the doors.

We walk toward the coffee machine in silence. When we get to the coffee machine, I go to ask why they think it’s Jace.

“He will pull through this, Ry. Our Jace is built of the strong stuff,” she says, as if she’s trying to convince herself.

“It’s not Jace,” I whisper.

It can’t be Jace. That wasn’t my Jace in there. My heart speeds up.Why don’t I just go home?I’m sure this is a big misunderstanding. Jace will be at home.Right?

I follow Bridge back into the waiting room. I don’t know why my body won’t let me leave the hospital even though my brain is screaming for me to go home. There is a feeling in my stomach that’s keeping me here, and I don’t know why.

As we enter the waiting room, Cash is in what seems like a deep discussion with the doctor that stood in front of me in the room. Bridget rushes over. There’s tears in Bridget’s and Cash’s eyes. I walk over and hear the tail end of the conversation.

“You may go and see him now.” Cash nods and thanks the doctor.

Cash holds Bridget’s hand, she’s trembling as she reaches for my hand.

“Are you ready, Ry?”

I nod absently, my body just agreeing and letting Bridget drag me toward the door. I know it’s not Jace in there, but it’s like my body doesn’t believe it.

Cash enters first and freezes. Tears pour down his face as he continues to walk into the room. Boh takes a deep breath and places his hand on Cash’s shoulder, offering his support in silence. Bridget lets out a delayed sob, bringing her hand to her mouth, as if she was not believing what she was seeing at first. Cash turns around, bringing Bridget into his arms and holding her while she uncontrollably sobs into his chest. Cash is now looking straight at me as his bottom lip wobbles. I’m struggling to step over the threshold, one more step and I will see that face again. The one that isn’t Jace.

I take a deep breath, taking the step but keeping my eyes locked with Cash’s. I break away from the stare and look to my right. The sight is awful. There are bandages wrapped around the person’s head. The little bit of skin showing on their face is cut up and bruised. I stare longer, it’s not Jace, there is no nose ring. I then look back at Cash and Bridget who slowly make their way toward the bed. There are tubes and wires everywhere. I stay frozen to my spot, not being able to move anymore. I zone out, staring at the life-support machine, and all I can hear are sniffles and beeping.

I cast my eyes to Cash with his head in his hands. His shoulders are shaking, and Bridget is staring at the person with tears pouring out of her eyes. It’s then the numbness starts to subside, I feel sick, and my heart is beating erratically. A hot flush comes over my whole body.

I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

“It’s not Jace. It’s not Jace. It’s not Jace,” I chant to myself quietly.

“Shut up!”

I snap my eyes open. Cash is standing in front of me with utter rage in his eyes.

“The sooner you come to terms with this, Rylee, the easier for all of us.” Cash steps to the side and points at the person in the bed.

“That’s my son!” he screams in my face.

“Cash, stop!” Bridget cries behind him.