Page 28 of Always. Forever.

“I just know for a fact, what you just said about us knowing what we knew all along, that’s going to be the end result, and it scares me, Ry. It will break me if he laughs in my face or tells me he doesn’t feel the same. I have real feelings for him, Ry. Trust me to get feelings for a fuck boy.” She rolls her eyes, trying to hold her tears at bay.

“If he dared laugh in your face, I would make his workdays a living hell. Just so you know. Also, I reckon ‘your’ Jace will have a thing or two to say to him,” I tease, trying to make her smile.

She grabs my hand on the table and squeezes. “I know you would, Ry, and I know Jace would, but I wouldn’t want a big deal made out of it. I would be embarrassed enough.” She sighs.

“How about we forget about Fuck Boy H for now, because that is his new nickname until he sorts his shit out, and you tell me about all the other goss I know you probably have building inside that brain of yours.” I wink at her.

She makes a big sigh and smiles big at me. “You know me well, because I have been dying to tell you what happened with Libby and Mark last week,” she says all big-eyed like a kid at Christmas. I can already tell her mind is drifting away from Harley, and this is exactly what is needed.

We continue chatting and gossiping, and next thing we know, we have devoured our loaded burgers and drank through two bottles of wine. To say I’m feeling tipsy is an understatement. Thank God the big boss is not in today because I can imagine he wouldn’t be impressed if Rach and I walk back into the office tipsy.

“C’mon, we need to get back.”How the hell am I supposed to work on numbers while feeling like this? I may just catch up on emails I need to reply to, I don’t trust myself with numbers at the moment.

Rach giggles while putting on her coat. “Thank God, Fuck Boy H isn’t in the office today because the way I’m feeling right now, I would literally go into his office and tell him to go fuck himself.”

“More like let him bend you over his desk,” I mutter.

She gasps, and has her hand against her chest like I wounded her. She then breaks into giggles.

“We both know me over his desk is a much more likely option.” She laughs.

We walk out of the restaurant arm-in-arm, giggling our way back to the office. Rachel doesn’t even realize how much she has helped me today.

Chapter Thirteen

Iwalkintomyapartment, chucking my bag on the floor and removing my heels, then let out the biggest sigh. It’s like taking your bra off after a long day. I had to sober myself when we got back in the office. Somehow, my inbox doubled in size while I was at lunch. I told Jace I would be home about six but it’s seven thirty. The time got away with me replying to emails. It wasn’t until Jace called me at half past six that I realized the time.

“Jace!” I shout through the apartment.

“In here, babe,” he shouts from the kitchen.

I walk in the kitchen and the smell of whatever he is cooking assaults my senses. I walk over and peep around his shoulder.

“No peeking,” he says while pushing me away. “Go get yourself out of your work clothes. Dinner will be ready in about forty minutes.”

I smile at him. “Okay. I will take a quick shower and get changed.”

Once I’m out, I clip my wet hair back in a messy half-up, half-down style and let it dry naturally. I have a natural wave to my hair, so normally it dries nice as long as I put anti-frizz serum on it. I chuck on a skater-style dress and apply a bit of mascara.

“Ry, dinner is ready,” Jace shouts from the dining room.

I apply some lip gloss and walk down the hallway to the dining room. I could smell the food while I was getting ready, and it has my mouth watering. I walk into the dining room and am stunned at how beautiful it is. Jace has three bunches of tulips, like the ones he sent me earlier—one sitting in the middle of the table, the other two on each of the side tables in the corners—and the light is dimmed, and there are candles everywhere. Our food is set out on the plate, and it is our favorite dish: chicken-bacon pasta baked in a white wine creamy sauce. With my favorite white wine.

“You’re so perfect, you know that.”

“Come sit, baby.”

He pulls the chair out for me, and I sit as he leans over, filling my wineglass. Jace takes a seat opposite me.

“Not that I’m complaining, Jace, but what is all this for?”

“I just wanted you to know how important you are to me, Ry. I hope that I do show you every day, but I like to just make sure sometimes. I didn’t want you being sad today, I wanted you to be happy. You don’t understand how beautiful you are when you’re happy. Everyone needs to see you smile.” He is so confident with his words, and I have never known someone who is so expressive with their feelings. I’m getting emotional. I know what today is but he’s trying to take my mind off it by doing all this, and it does. It has.

“Thank you,” I say, trying to keep my tears at bay.

“Let’s eat before it gets cold,” he says.

We eat and chat about our day. I fill Jace in on what happened between Rach and Harley. I can tell he’s not happy with Harley. They have a close bond, so he’s somewhat protective over Rach. She would be so happy seeing the way Jace is now. She is an only child and always said she felt like he was a big brother to her.