Jace and I are lying in bed after having a power nap, and he’s stroking my hair.
“What film do you want to watch tonight, I’m not doing a sad one,” he states, making me laugh.
“No, no sad ones, I promise. I will have a look through Netflix and see what’s on.”
I then realize I hadn’t asked him how his night went.
“Oh, how did your night go? Did you have a good night?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, it was pretty good. It was just me and Rowan but then Danny and James turned up and joined us for a bit.”
“How was it with James?” I say while drawing patterns on his chest with the tips of my fingers. He tenses ever so slightly. Every time I mention James since they drifted, Jace acts weird and tries to change the subject. I have pulled him up on it previously, but he just laughs it off and says that it’s nothing.
I then remember James’s date and want the inner details. Jace knows I love gossiping with him.
I sit up straight, looking at him.
“Did James mention his date?
“Date?” Jace eyes me, eyebrows furrowed.
James not mentioning the date is weird, but I guess if they haven’t spoken that much, then I kind of get it, but now I’m thinking he didn’t mention seeing me.
“Did James tell you he saw me yesterday at Blossoms and dropped me home?” Jace sits up so quickly it knocks me back a little. “Woah.” I put my hands out in front of me.
“What do you mean you saw him and he dropped you home.” Jace has turned a shade of red I haven’t seen before.
“Erm.” I don’t even know why I’m struggling to find the words, but I have never seen him like this before. He is glaring at me, waiting for me to finish.
“I was at Blossoms with Toni, and he was there with a date,” I rush out. “When he and his date were leaving, he offered me a lift home as he was dropping her back to work.”
Jace nods while leaning back on the bed.
“Why didn’t James tell you?” I stare at Jace, waiting for him to answer. His chest is rising and falling pretty fast, and he seems pissed off.
“Jace? What has happened?” As if he was in a daydream, he shakes his head and smiles at me.
“Nothing, babe, he must have just forgotten to mention it. I haven’t seen or spoken to him in a while, so it just threw me off, that’s all.”
“Mmm,” I say with pursed lips.Why would he not mention to Jace he had seen me or dropped me home?The fact he didn’t doesn’t sit right with me.
“He wasn’t out that long, anyway. Dad turned up for a couple of drinks, you know him and Dad don’t get along, so James left pretty quickly after that.” He shrugs.
Cash hates James. The hate developed right around the same time Jace and James drifted and stopped talking, but even if his name is mentioned, Cash’s demeanor changes. This is Cash we are talking about, though; I’m surprised he can stand his own reflection sometimes.
“Speaking of my dad”—he cringes—“I just remembered what he said last night. He’s coming around today to help me put up that closet in the spare bedroom. I asked him last night, and he said he would pop around some point this afternoon.”Oh, joys.
“Jace,” I moan at him. “I thought today was going to be our day!” I cross my arms.
“I know, I’m sorry, babe, I promise, tomorrow.” He drops his bottom lip out.
I throw my hands up. “Ahhhh. Okay.” I look over at the clock on the bedside table and it’s just past noon. I best get up and get myself presentable before beloved daddy dearest turns up.
Chapter Nine