“Bathroom!” I shout and point toward the bathroom sign because I know they can’t hear me over the music. They all give me the thumbs-up, except Ton who walks with me. We have always said it’s an unwritten rule you can’t go to the bathroom without someone. Halfway there, I get knocked back two steps by someone. Luckily, I don’t fall, but I bump into a few other people whose drinks spill, followed by a couple of “What the fucks?” Then two hands grip my upper arms, and I drag my eyes up to the man towering over me. He’s broad with the most beautiful ocean-blue eyes I have ever seen. Taking in his face, he has the fullest most-kissable lips and—oh my fucking God, is that a fucking nose stud?
My stomach is doing somersaults. He smells so beautiful too, like mint and expensive aftershave, electrifying my body.Fuck.He is so hot.I’m deep in my observation of this guy when the heat from his hands spreads like a bolt of lightning throughout my body, zapping me between the legs and leaving a dull ache—something I’ve never felt before, not like this. I don’t know how much time has passed when I’m finally able to pull myself from admiring him. The guy stares at me, eyebrows drawn together as he makes strong eye contact. Glancing to my left, Toni grins back at me like the Cheshire cat. Behind him, three other guys look between me and their beautiful friend, a mix of confused and smirking faces.
Someone shakes me and then I realize it’s Toni.
“Ry, you good?” She still has that smile on her face. The guy has let go of me and stepped back, giving Toni room to crowd me. I shake my head, the blush creeping up my face.How embarrassing, he must think I’m a freak.I never do stuff like this, but I can honestly say I have never seen such a beautiful man before. I brush my dress down before locking eyes with him straight away.
“I . . . I’m sorry.” I try to shout loud enough so he can hear me. I can’t think of anything else to say. All I know is my face is burning and I get turned on from this man touching my shoulders. I need to get away quickly. I don’t intend to wait around and hear his reply, as he is still eyeing me with worry prominent on his face.
As I go to walk away, he grabs my arm and leans in and shouts, “Hey, I wanted to make sure you were okay and say sorry for bumping into you. I didn’t see you, I wasn’t paying attention, completely my fault.” His hands are raised, but all I can concentrate on is the sexiest, husky voice that came out of his mouth.Fuck, was this man carved from God himself?It’s actually annoying how perfect he is.
I give him a small smile and mumble, “No problem, I’m good.” Then, I grab Toni’s arm and walk toward the restroom, but Toni is resisting and tugging me back.
“Ry, what the fuck are you doing? There is no way we are walking away from him! Did you see the way he was eyeballing you? He was basically eating you alive with his eyes.” She tries to whisper but fails miserably, because this is Toni we’re talking about.
“I don’t know how drunk you are, Ton, but he was definitely looking at me like I was the biggest freak he has ever met,” I say while walking away from her because she has lost her mind. I’m not going back there, no matter how much she wants me to, I am mortified. I pull open the creaky stall door. The music is muffled, but my ears are still ringing. Closing my eyes, I suck in a breath and blow it back out. All I can see are those piercing blue eyes. I’ve never been so pulled in by someone, and of course, being the person I am, I embarrass myself right away.How do I go back out there?This place is big, so hopefully I won’t see him for the rest of the night.
The door rattles when someone pounds on it. Thankfully, it’s locked but my heart still pounds in my chest. I say nothing, hoping they realize someone is in here since the door is locked.
“Ry, which toilet are you in?”Oh my God.
I jump when another bang lands on my door. “Toni, stop! I’m in here.”
“This one?” She bangs again.
For fuck’s sake.“Yes, Ton. Give me two secs.”
“No, let me in now.” This girl is anything but patient. To be honest, we always use the same toilet. It’s just one of those things we do. I hover and lean forward to unlock the door while swaying slightly.God, those drinks have hit me more than I thought.
“Why did you run off?” she says as soon as she walks in, closing and locking the door behind her.
I sigh. “Because I knew you weren’t going to let it go and would try to drag me back.”
“I fucking knew it,” she screams.
Oh, what now?“What did you know?” She has that big grin on her face again. I wish she would stop looking at me like that, but then I realize she’s not looking at me directly.
“Look at your panties, Ry.”
Is this girl for real?I follow her eyes between my legs to my red panties to see what she is freaking out about. A huge wet patch.Fuck.I fumble with the toilet paper and wipe myself, and it easily slides through my folds. It’s been a long ass time since I have been this wet. How can one touch and a set of sexy-as-fuck eyes do this? I’m not drunk enough for this.
I stand, pull my panties back in place, and move my dress back into position while avoiding Toni’s heavy gaze as she takes my place on the toilet. I steal a glance, only to find her grinning at me like she can read every thought in my head. She’s not going to let this go until I admit that spot was from that guy.
“Firstly, Toni, did you really have to inspect my panties, you dirty bitch.”
Of course, her not giving a fuck, she just replies with a raised eyebrow.
“And secondly, Miss Observant, yes, he was hot as fuck, and I have not seen someone that beautiful in a while.” She tries to cut me off, but I don’t let her. “Uh-uh, let me finish for once in your life, woman. Shut up! He is beautiful,however, I made myself seem like a complete dick and could not possibly confront him again. I don’t care what you say, Toni. I don’t care how you thoughthe was looking at me. I’m having a good night and we are going to forget what happened out there and the God’s gift I encountered. Okay?”
She glares at me as though she wants to say a whole lot of stuff, but she brings her hand to her lips and does the zip motion along her mouth.
Phew, thank God for that, she normally doesn’t let stuff go, so I’m taking this as a win. She finishes, and we head out of the stall, wash our hands, and make our way back to the dance floor. I won’t lie to myself and say I can’t stop scanning as we walk back to the table, hoping and praying we don’t bump into him. The girls are still in the same place, dancing and giggling away. They point to the bar as if they’re reading my mind. I need a drink or ten, at this rate.
While we order our drinks, Cardi B comes on the speaker and the girls rush away, forgetting theirs. Not that I blame them, this song can get anyone hyped, and when Toni looks at me, her brow raised, I can’t stop my laugh.
“Fitting, isn’t it.” Her laughter joins mine, but a voice behind me has me stopping in my tracks.
“So why is this song fitting, then?”