Page 17 of Always. Forever.

I jump up and head into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of my favorite sauvignon blanc. Although, I love the film, I’m nervous before even watching it because I know what state I will be in afterward. I head back to the couch and take a seat, getting comfy again. I brought the bottle of wine with me—I think I will need it.

By the end of the film, the food has been demolished, the bottle of wine is empty, and I also have gone through nearly a roll of toilet paper from crying so much.How could someone go through losing the person they love at such a young age?I couldn’t imagine losing Jace. I know that may sound cringey, but losing someone is hard enough if they break up with you, or vice versa, but losing someone in such a tragic way, I don’t think I could ever get over it. It makes me miss Jace, and I just want to hug him.

It’s only 10:00 p.m. I doubt he will be home soon. I think it’s best I go to bed. I love the film so much, but God, it makes me depressed! I head upstairs and brush my teeth, and while I’m brushing my teeth, I check my phone to see if there is a text from Jace saying if he is on his way home. He sometimes texts me to say when he is on his way back, but other times, he doesn’t. I don’t mind so much as I am the world’s worst at remembering to text him when I’m out.

Unfortunately, there is no text, and all that crying has made me so tired. I think I’ll be asleep in no time. I finish in the bathroom and walk to our joint closet. I pull one of Jace’s tops out and take off my pj’s. I want to smell him before going to sleep, and I hate sleeping in a full set of pj’s. I get under the covers and snuggle up into my pillow. I really can’t wait to see Jace and just touch him and tell him I love him.Never take someone for granted because you don’t know how long you may have left with them.

Chapter Seven

Awarmthcomesoverme, and an arm curls tightly around my waist. I smell him before I even open my eyes and turn around. He smells fresh—he knows to have a shower before getting into bed with me, there is no way I am waking up to the smell of beer. I turn around and squint at the lamp he has turned on.

“Shit, sorry, baby, I didn’t think you would wake up. I was just about to turn it off.”

I smile. It feels so nice to be looking at him and his beautiful face.

“It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re home, I missed you.”

A frown appears on his face as he brings his hand up to cup my jaw so he can see my face better.

“Ry, what’s happened, are you okay? Your eyes are so swollen.”

I let out a small laugh.

“I’m fine, I stupidly watched that film I watched a few months ago that had me bawling. This time you weren’t here to hug me though,” I pout.

Jace takes his hand from my jaw and slides his arm under my shoulders while pulling me into him. “Aww, my baby. Why did you watch that film when it makes you upset?” he says while kissing my forehead.

I shrug, men don’t understand. A lot of women love watching films that upset them. I have no idea why, but we do. It’s likeTitanic, it makes me cry every single time, but I still love watching it.

“Well, I’m here now. You know you could have text me.”

“I know, but you were out, and it was my fault for watching the film anyway.”

“Well, I don’t care. You know you can always text me if you’re upset.”How lucky can I get?I purposely watched a film I knew would upset me and if I had text him telling him that, he would have left his friends and come home, even though I brought it on myself.

“I know you don’t care, Jace, that’s why I love you. I’m glad you woke me up, even if it was by accident,” I say before kissing the tip of his nose.

Before I can lie my head back down on his chest, he cups my face with his hand and brings himself lower and gently kisses my lips. He pulls back a little, eyes locked on my mouth, and then brings his lips to mine again and kisses me more forcefully, and he runs his tongue along my bottom lip, so I open my mouth wider. Jace slips his tongue in, and my tongue tangles with his, the kiss turning more frantic as the seconds goes by. He takes his arm from behind me and grabs my face, holding me with both hands while my head falls to the pillow. Jace moves so he is leaning over me and carries on kissing me. Moving down my neck, he adds suction to his kisses. I’m breathing heavily, trying to rub my legs together to get relief, but Jace has most of his weight pinning me down.

“Jace, I need you, please,” I pant while running my hands up his back and digging my nails in to show my frustration and need for him. The slickness between my legs is growing.

While moving lower on my body, Jace plants an open-mouthed kiss over my left nipple and sucks lightly. I lull my head back, moaning. He adds another kiss on my belly.

“So . . .” he whispers, moving down farther.

“Fucking . . .” He places another kiss on my pubic bone.

I make eye contact with him, and he’s staring straight at me with pure heat flaming his eyes.

“Jace, please.”

Jace blows a small bit of air on my throbbing clit, which makes me moan.


Before I can scream at him, he places his mouth over my clit and sucks hard, and my back arches off the bed, and I swear I see stars. My pussy is pulsating as Jace eats me like I’m his last meal. His eyes are closed and he’s humming like it’s the most delicious thing he has ever tasted. Him enjoying this just increases the sensation flowing through me.

Jace rubs gentle circles on my clit while fucking me with his tongue. He pulls his tongue out of my entrance and replaces it with two thick fingers and then brings his tongue to my clit. I’m in actual heaven, I don’t want him to ever stop. He finger-fucks me deep and fast while keeping suction on my clit, and my eyes roll back in my head as I run my fingers through his hair and tug on it while keeping him where he is. I moan as the orgasm builds in the pit of my stomach.