Page 15 of Always. Forever.

I laugh. “You really have drank too much. No, she doesn’t. There’re loads of brunettes around,” I say, raising my hand to gesture to girls walking passed us with long brunette hair.

“Mmm, true, maybe it is the alcohol.” She laughs. “Damn. My Uber got here quick,” she pouts, pointing to a car pulling up.

I stick my bottom lip out. “I hate adulting,” I say as I pull her in for the biggest hug, knowing it will probably be a month or even two before I see her next. Between her and me working and other plans, we don’t always get to see each other as much as we’d like. People find it funny because we voice note on WhatsApp everyday, but it’s not the same as seeing someone in person.

“I know, but I had the best time with you, Ry. I missed you so fucking much,” she says, giving me an extra squeeze. She pulls away and gives me a big sloppy kiss on my cheek.

“You will go back in there”—she points to the entrance door to Blossoms—“and wait there until your Uber comes, won’t you?” She backs away from me and bumps into someone. We both let out a giggle while raising our hands and apologizing to the person who huffs and walks off.

“Get home safe,” I say.

“Please message me once you’re home,” she shouts as she gets to the back passenger door.

I raise my hand and blow her a kiss, and she catches it and puts it in her pocket. This is something we have done since we were kids. We always used to “save our kisses for when we really needed them,” but we never grew out of it. Now if we’re on the phone talking and one of us is down in the dumps, we will remind each other to grab a kiss from our pocket and slap it on our cheek. It always cheers us up. I wave to her as the Uber drives away.

My phone pings twenty seconds later with a message from her telling me to go wait inside. She knows me too well, as I’m still standing outside waiting. I ignore her message because the tracker says it will be here in a few minutes.

I hear giggling and turn around to James helping his date into her coat, and I smile to myself. It’s nice to see him with someone. Yes, Toni thinks he’s creepy, and I can see why she would think that, but behind it all, he’s very friendly and has had bad luck with women in the past. Me being his friend’s girlfriend, he just feels comfortable with me, and I’m fine with that. He has never done anything to make me think any less of him.

James catches me staring and smiles wide at me.

“You waiting for Jace?” he asks.

“Oh, no, he’s working today, my Uber is going to be here any minute.”

“Oh, no, don’t worry about an Uber, I’m driving, I can take you home.” I look at him and then his date, she is standing there smiling at me, unbothered, but I don’t want to intrude, they may have been going somewhere.

“That is really lovely of you, James, but I don’t want to intrude, you carry on having a nice day.”

Before James can reply, his date jumps in. “Oh no, I have work now which is just down the road, James is dropping me.”

“Okay, if you’re sure, James?” I ask, shrugging.

He brushes me off. “Of course, Ry, don’t be silly.”

I pull my phone out, canceling my Uber, and follow them to his car.

When we arrive at the car, his date spins around and pushes her hand out to me. “I’m Casey, by the way.”

“It’s lovely to meet you, I’m Rylee.” I beam at her.

“Yes, James told me about you, and ahhh,” she says, squinting.

“Jace?” I slip in.

“Yes, sorry, James mentioned you were his friend’s girlfriend, I just couldn’t remember his friend’s name,” she says, hitting her forehead.

I laugh it off while we get in the car.

She literally works around the corner, and we move for all of about forty seconds before she is directing him to pull over outside a club. I have never been here before, but it’s decent from the outside. I sit there, gazing out the window, not sure if they will say goodbye inside the car or get out. Thankfully, James steps out of the car, and Casey spins around from the front seat and says her goodbyes. I tell her it was lovely to meet her, and I hope to see her again soon. She seems like a lovely girl. Hopefully, James will go on another date with her. I have always wanted to double date, but Jace’s friends are absolute manwhores, so it’s hard.

James gets back in the car a minute later.

“Are you not going to get in the front?” He looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

“Oh, of course, I was in my own little world back here.” I get out of the car and slip into the front seat.

James pulls away. It’s silent but a comfortable silence.