“It’s all I remember.” I hate that I can’t recall everything clearly.
“I find it odd that I didn’t wake when you got in bed with me. I was out all night. There’s no way we had sex. I’m sure I would remember that, but I don’t imagine I could even have maneuvered the mechanics of it,” he tells me with a sheepish grin.
He’s right. Surely, one of us would have remembered performing the act.
“That night when you left for the fire, Amber and I sat downstairs and had a drink. I didn’t drink heavily. She was trying to talk to me about Sophia, amongst other things. I only recall having two beers, but after the second drink, I got extremely tired and went to bed. I think she helped me to my room. I don’t remember taking off my clothes. I thought the reason I was tired was because I slept like shit the whole week prior because of Sophie and knowing I had to talk to Leo about her. But after talking with you, I’m coming to an awful conclusion that’s hard to put into words. It would have taken more than two beers to knock me out like that without…” he pauses, “… something extra.”
He doesn’t have to say anything more because I’m drawing the same conclusion with what happened to me.Would Amber really have done what we’re both thinking?If she did, there was no way we had sex that night. Neither of us would have been awake.
Some puzzle pieces fall into place.
“Do you really believe Amber spiked our drinks?” I ask him, dread sinking into my stomach from saying the words out loud.
“There’s no other explanation. We were both passed out, and we don’t know how we ended up in my bed. Amber was the only one there.”
“She told Leo I intended to sleep with you to get back at him for Beth, but Nash, I would never say or do something like that.”
“I don’t think you did. Whatever her reason, she wanted to hurt you, me, or both of us.”
So many questions are swirling in my mind.Was she feeling threatened by Leo loving me? Is she so in love with him she would take it to these extremes? And how did I end up in Nash’s room?I was in no state to walk.
“I was in Leo’s room. How did she get me up the stairs and into your room?” A thought hits me. “Oh my God, she would have had to undress me.” Unease fills me at the horrification. A sense of violation hits me, and my insides begin to swirl, wanting to be expelled.
I place my hand on my stomach. It’s the other reason I needed to see him.
“I’m twelve weeks pregnant,” I reveal. Nash sits back, shocked. “I know it’s Leo’s. He won’t have contact with me. Neither will Sophie. They’ve blocked my number and blocked me on social media. I need to reach out to them. I need to tell him.”
After getting over his initial shock of my pregnancy news, he asks, “What about his email?”
Now that’s something I don’t have, his email address.
“Will you give it to me?” I ask.
“I would assume he’d want to know. I’ve not spoken with them either, and I don’t plan to. Leo can go fuck himself. Not only did I lose the girl, but I also lost what I thought was my best friend. Leo should have trusted me, and Sophie had a choice to come with me, but she didn’t.”
He tries to hide it, but I see the hurt behind his eyes.
I know the feeling.
Poor Nash. He lost Sophie and Leo. All over a night neither of us were at fault for.
Nash takes out his phone and types a message. When he finishes, my phone beeps. I pull it out and see he sent me Leo’s email address.
“Thank you, Nash.”
“You’re welcome. I wish you the best of luck, Kylie. I wish I could do more, and I hope Leo comes around for you and your baby’s sake.”
When he stands to leave, this time, I don’t hesitate. I give him a warm hug before promising to keep in contact.
Later that evening, I pull up my email and type.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Please read.