They’re worried about me, and I hate that I’m making them worry. I’m so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
“It’s just a bug, Mom. I’ll be better soon,” I lie, hoping to pacify them both.
No such luck.
Manda rips the blanket off me. “We made a doctor’s appointment for you. You have one hour to get your skinny ass out of bed, showered, and ready. I’ll not have you being depressed over him for one moment longer. He doesn’t deserve it. Now get out of bed, pick your chin up, and get your ass to the doctor with your mother. My old heart can’t take much more of this.” Manda croaks, placing a hand on her heart in dramatic fashion.
She’s right, and if it makes them feel better, I’ll go.
Dragging my sorry ass out of bed, I head into my bathroom for a shower.
* * *
“And when was the date of your last menstrual cycle?” the doctor asks.
Her question has me stumped.What day is it?I’m not sure, and I can’t recall the date, but it has been a while.
The more I think about it, the more I realize I haven’t had a period since Leo left.
Then it hits me like a wrecking ball.
No way.
“I can tell by the shock on your face that it’s been some time. We took a urine sample when you came in. Let me check on that.” She smiles and leaves the room.
I’m sitting in silence, but so many thoughts rush through my head.Could I be pregnant with Leo’s baby? A man who wants nothing to do with me?I think back to what might have happened that weekend when I woke up in Nash’s room.
I don’t know what to make of it, so I shut those thoughts down quickly.
A soft warmth covers my hand, and my mom smiles sincerely at me as I peer down at her hand over mine. “I want you to understand that if the test comes back the way I think it will, I’ll support any decision you make.”
I nod but remain quiet, too shocked to speak.
The doctor returns a short time later. “Just as I suspected, Kylie. You’re pregnant.”
I’m pregnant.
How am I supposed to move forward with this?
When the doctor sees the uncertainty on my face, she says, “We have a vaginal ultrasound machine here. If you’d like, we can check to see how far along you are?”
“I would like the ultrasound, please,” I say, my voice finally returning, although it’s weak.
With that, my life is forever changed.
* * *
One month later, I stroll into a restaurant to meet Nash. I’ve not been able to let that night go, or Leo go, for that matter. I’m pregnant with Leo’s baby. He was inside me bare around the conception date when he bent me over the couch and took what we both wanted and needed.
He eventually pulled out, but he was obviously a little late on the trigger. I knew what he was doing, and I loved him for it. He was showing me he was satisfied with me after what Beth said in the bathroom sunk my self-confidence.
I was enough. He told me and showed me every day. Sometimes multiple times a day.
Yes, he did sleep with Beth, but if what he said was true, it was before me.
Now, months later, I see that.
I also see why he didn’t want to tell me about her. He knew she was a trigger for me. Although I wish he had told me, I understand why he was worried. He was afraid I would leave, and thanks to his mom, leaving was a trigger for him.