“Leo, you must believe me. I drank a little with Amber, but I must have fallen asleep in your room. I’m not sure what happened. I was in your room, so I don’t know how I ended up in Nash’s.”
“I guess you don’t know how you ended up with your clothes off either, Kylie?” I scowl while looking at clothing sitting on the floor beside the bed.Herclothing.
She follows my gaze and appears confused.
“How did they get there?” she whispers, more to herself than to me.
Really? Was she that drunk she doesn’t remember stripping out of them?
“Bet you couldn’t wait to get your revenge and took them off so fast to fuck Nash.”
And Nash, what the fuck was he thinking? How could he do this to me? He knew how I felt about Kylie. I never thought he’d betray me like this. Motherfucker.
Kylie is now full-on crying. “Leo, I-I don’t think I had sex with Nash.”
“You don’t think? Which is it? Either you did or you didn’t.”
Not that she didn’t, but that she doesn’tthinkshe did.Is she really expecting me to believe her?
Placing a hand on her forehead, she cries, “I don’t know. Everything is so confusing.”
I can’t stand the sight of her right now. I need to leave before I do something I’ll regret.
She tries to press her hands on my chest, but I step away.
“Don’t fucking touch me. Don’t ever fucking touch me again. Get your lying ass out of my house and out of my life. I mean it, Kylie. I want you gone.”
I storm out the bedroom door, slamming it behind me, and head downstairs. My heart is fucking breaking, and my faith and trust in her is shattered.
When I see Amber and Sophie in the living room, I pick up Sophie’s hand and lead her onto the patio outside. Once we’re on our own, Sophie wraps her arms around me and cries. I hug her back, and we comfort each other as time ticks by.
Now that I’m away from Kylie, I think back to everything that happened in Nash’s room.
“Sophie,” I start. “About Nash—”
“They both had us trusting them. They’re not the people we thought they were. I’ll never forgive them. Ever.” She finishes on a sob.
And fuck if my eyes aren’t tearing up.
Kylie and Nash didn’t just betray me but Sophie too.
What if Amber wasn’t there? Would I have believed the lies from Kylie’s lips?
Hell, she had to listen to them have sex, and the thought makes me want to vomit.
I can’t believe what a fool she made of me and that I allowed myself to believe her lies, that she loved me like I loved her.Dad was right. I should never have allowed myself to love. I’ll never allow anyone to get that close to me again.
I’ll have a tough time getting over Kylie, but I must. Never again will I allow someone to manipulate my love like she did and my mother did before her.
It’s been a week of nothing from Leo. Mom and Manda took one look at me Saturday when I came home and knew something was wrong. They tried questioning me, but I went to my room and shut the door. They knocked, requesting to talk, but I refused. I lied by saying I wasn’t feeling well. I knew they were worried, but they didn’t press the issue.
Sierra came by the next day. She did insist I talk, and she wouldn’t let me hide.
After much prodding, I tearfully divulged everything to Sierra. I told her I was embarrassed because I was not sure what exactly happened with Nash, and I didn’t know how I ended up in his bed.