Page 5 of Worth the Risk

Game on.

As I take the few remaining steps to him, he watches me intently. I don’t hide my intention, and when I approach him, I place my hand behind his neck, stand up on my toes, bring his head to mine, and press my lips to his.

For a couple of moments, he is still, but it’s not long until he wraps his arms around me, lifts me, and brings his tongue out to play with mine.

My God, his kiss is electrifying.

I’ve never had a kiss like this before. He tastes like peppermint and liquor. I couldn’t name it, but it’s now my favorite flavor. I feel a pull deep in my belly—desire.

After a few moments, our kiss becomes more passionate, and arousal streams through my body.What the hell is happening to me?No one in the room exists at this point. I only feel him. I don’t think I have ever been this turned on by a kiss alone. Even my lady bits are tingling.

As his mouth ravishes mine, I match it with the same level of intensity, and he slides his hand down to my ass and squeezes.

“What the fuck are you doing?” James screams. I stop the kiss and peer into Leo’s lust-filled eyes, noticing he is as stunned as I am.

His expression changes when he smiles.

Oh God, he has dimples.

He speaks in a husky voice. “That was one hell of a hello, Sunshine.”

Speechless, I gape at him because what do you say when one kiss makes you feel more desire than you ever did with the guy you gave three years of your life to?

With a forceful yank on my elbow, I’m pulled away from Leo and whirled around so I’m facing James. He glowers at the Adonis and yells, “Stay the fuck away from her.”

But Leo simply smirks, not intimidated. “After that kiss, I don’t think she will stay away from me.” He winks.

Damn, if he isn’t right because all I can think about is climbing him and kissing him again.

Next thing I know, all hell breaks loose, and James pulls me out of the way and swings at Leo. Leo ducks and swings back, his fist connecting with James’ jaw and sending him flying into a table. It topples over, the lamp on top crashing to the floor.

Oh shit, what have I done?

As people scramble,James rushes for Leo, and I bring my hands up to my head and scream, “No.”This isn’t what I wanted to happen.

After pulling me out the door as chaos ensues, Sierra stuffs me into my car and drives away, both of us shocked over what just happened.

Pulling up to my house, she giggles. “Now, that was one hell of a party. I’m sure James is still getting his ass kicked, and I have to say, you surprised the hell out of me. We said this summer would be about fun, and if this is any indication of how it’ll go, we’re in for a hell of a ride.”

Covering my face with my hands, I say, “Ugh. I don’t think I’ll be able to show my face again. I’m mortified I did that.”I can’t believe I just walked up and kissed Leo.

“That kiss was so hot. I think a couple of girls might be pregnant just from watching it,” Sierra replies.

We head inside to my bedroom, and after getting ready for bed, we climb in and lie on our sides so we can see each other.

I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’m not even sure I can put into words what I’m feeling. There was just something about Leo that I can’t put my finger on.

The drinks from earlier are wearing off, and now I’m tired. Sierra, being Sierra, grabs my hand and says, “Sleep now, but don’t think we won’t be talking about this in the morning, my friend.”

I nod and close my eyes before drifting off to sleep, thinking about a handsome, dark-haired man named Leo.



When I wake up, I roll over onto my side and peer through the cracks of the curtains. The sun is shining.
