Page 49 of Worth the Risk

Heading into the shower, I avoid looking in the mirror. I can only imagine what I look like with bedhead and hungover. After my shower, I notice water, a bottle of Tylenol, and coffee sitting on the nightstand.

Leo understands me well already.I need caffeine more than anything else.

After getting dressed in a simple yellow sundress, I brush my teeth, pull my hair into a high ponytail, and head downstairs. Everyone is sitting around the island, and they appear well-presented, but Sophie doesn’t look much better than me.

Nash and Leo are eating cereal, talking about football while Amber listens. Sophie’s elbows are balanced on the counter, head in her hands. Sierra is in good spirits and wide awake.

I plop down on the stool next to Sierra.

“Will you make it today?” she asks, rubbing my back.

“Make it where?”

“Spa day for us girls, remember?”

Crap.Now I do.Hopefully, I’ll feel better after a little pampering. I look at the clock on the microwave. If we’re going to make it on time, we need to leave in the next fifteen minutes.

“Hey, Sophie. You still up for today?” I ask. My question gains Leo’s and Nash’s attention. They stare at her in question. Her gaze lingers for a moment on Nash before she looks at me and says, “Yes. I can’t wait to go.” She stands and takes the stairs to her room.

Even with my head woozy, I recall Sophie ogling Nash a lot last night.I’ll have to ask her about it.

When I drag my sluggish ass back to Leo’s room to grab my purse and cell phone, he joins me.

“How about you? Are you feeling up for a day at the spa?”

“Yeah. I’m feeling a bit better. I’m sure after some pampering, I’ll be as good as new.” After putting my cell phone in my purse, I sling my arms around his waist before laying my head on his chest. He returns my embrace, and I feel even better now. Being in his arms seems to be my hangover cure.

“How bad did I embarrass myself last night?” I ask, afraid of the answer.

He chuckles. “You were cute. Drunk and very affectionate.”


“Did I grope you in front of everyone?” I have trouble keeping my hands off him sober, so I can only imagine drunk me had the same issue.

“Nothing too obscene. You were very touchy, though, but your Adonis didn’t mind.” He snorts.

And there’s that word again. He’s said it twice this morning.

“How do you know that?” I ask, squinting my eyes at him.

“You were way passed drunk, and I couldn’t get you to bed, so Sierra whispered something into your ear, and you jumped on me, calling me your Adonis.”

I smack my forehead.Ow.I need to stop smacking myself. I’m going to need a facial today with how many times I’ve done it.

Leo raises his eyebrows. “Mind telling me the story behind that?”

Yes, I do.Time to escape.“No time. I’ve got to get going so we’re not late.”

After giving him a quick kiss, I hurry out the bedroom door.

“You are not getting out of this, Kylie. I’ll find out,” he yells from the bedroom, his voice heavy with amusement.

I have no doubt he will.

* * *

Four hours later, we’ve had massages and facials during our girl day. We’re now getting pedicures while relaxing in the comfortable chairs, talking.