Page 47 of Worth the Risk

My first thought is to tell him to mind his own fucking business, but I quickly recognize he truly has Kylie’s best interests at heart.

I can’t fault the guy for that.

I know most of what he is talking about already. Kylie told me, and I wished that prick was around so I could beat his ass again. He and Beth made a fool of her. No wonder she second-guessed herself and questioned her sexual appeal. What they did and what Beth said struck hard at her confidence.

Wanting to hear it from his perspective, I ask, “How bad was it?”

He thinks a moment about how much he wants to say, choosing his words carefully.

“He didn’t treat her with the respect she deserves. Rumors were always going around, and I asked him about it. He denied it to me like he did to her. Once Beth said she was pregnant, he admitted it to Kylie. He spent years telling her it wasn’t true, telling me it wasn’t true. He lied to everyone the whole time. Our friendship changed because of it. We don’t talk anymore, and I haven’t seen him in weeks.”

I nod in understanding.

Hearing a loud laugh, I shift my attention over to the pool and see the girls dunking and splashing each other. Their drinks are lined up on the outside of the pool, and they frequently take sips and organize refills. They’re well on their way to tipsy.

When Becca calls out to Luke, he jumps into the pool and swims over to her.

Nash follows him with his eyes, then I notice he and Sophie staring at each other.

“Is there something going on between you and my sister?”

My words wake him out of his reverie, and he shakes his head and snaps his eyes to me. “What? No,” he answers way too quickly.

“You know, she may not understand,” I warn him.

“You think I don’t realize that?” he replies, anger in his voice. We’ve always got along, so his anger takes me by surprise. I don’t want to get into an argument with him—he’s my best friend—but I need to be clear.

“Look, Nash. You and Sophie may not be a good idea. Do you think she’d accept what you had to do?”

Shame fills his expression. He did what he had to do, but his past is something my sister will have a hard time understanding. She’s too sweet and naïve.

His shoulders deflate. “No, I imagine she wouldn’t, but you don’t have to worry. There’s nothing going on.”

We sit in silence, watching everyone in the water. Tension is still brimming between us, and I don’t like it.

“Nash, you know I love you like a brother. I just don’t want to see anyone get hurt,” I explain in a gentler voice.

“You don’t have a reason to worry, Leo. We’re good.” He gives me a fist bump.

When the gang yells for us to get into the pool, we join them, and I swim over to Kylie and curl my arms around her waist. Leaning back, I dunk us under the water, but she squirms out of my hold and swims to the surface. I follow—I always do.

“Leo.” She laughs, splashing water at me, but I take her under again.

Everyone is having a nice time, drinking and enjoying their time in the pool, but after a while, Luke helps Becca to the lounger to sit down and joins us at the side of the pool. “Hey, guys. Thanks for the invite, but Becca has had a little too much to drink, so I’m going to take her home.”

I thank him for coming before he takes Becca home.

The rest of us head into the barroom for a couple rounds of drinks, pushing Kylie from tipsy to full-on drunk and making her extra affectionate. She’s tried to rub my groin twice in front of everyone. Regrettably, each time I moved her hand away, she pouted like I took her favorite toy from her.

Sober Kylie will be embarrassed when she hears about how brazen she’s been with our friends here. When she thinks it’s a good idea for her and the girls to do cartwheels throughout the house, I realize I need to stop her drunken escapades before she hurts herself.

“Time to turn in, Kylie,” I say.

“But I’m having so much fun,” she whines with a pout to her lips.

“Maybe we can have some more of that fun on another night.”

“But I’m having fun,” she repeats, slurring.