“You could have woken me up and told me,” she responds, her voice rising. “Do you have any idea how it felt to wake up with you gone? I felt used.”
That pisses me off.
I didn’t use her.
“Whoa, hold on one second. You came tomyroom that night. I didn’t force you into my shower or to suck my dick. It’s not like I threw you out.Youleft. Every time we meet, you leave without so much of a see-you-the-fuck-later.”
She winces, stunned at my words. I’m a little shocked myself. She’s thinking about what I said and how she should reply.
Calmer now, she says, “You’re right. Used was the wrong word. You didn’t force me. But when I woke up alone, I thought you didn’t want me there longer than necessary, so it felt like a cheap one-night stand.” She pauses briefly and adds, “You must understand I’ve never done anything like that. I don’t normally act that way.”
I believe her. She doesn’t seem the casual sex kind of girl, and that makes me happy.
“It is partly my fault,” she says. “I will admit that. I just made it in my head that it was something more than it really was.” She sounds defeated.
She’s wrong. It wasmore. I have a tough time admitting that to myself, but it’s the truth. What I’m feeling for her is more than I have ever felt for another girl. I don’t understand it, but I won’t have her thinking she made a mistake being with me.
“I’m not sure what this is, Kylie, but I felt more in one night with you than I’ve ever felt with anyone else. Yes, this is more, even if I don’t understand it.”
She’s hesitant to believe me. “If it was more, why didn’t you call me? It’s been a week, and I haven’t heard from you.”
“I don’t have your number. How was I supposed to call you?”
Her brows furrow. “I left a note on the kitchen counter with your name on it and my number inside.”
She left a note?
“I didn’t see a note. I would have called you.”
And to be honest, that confuses the shit out of me.
What is it about this girl that has me chasing her?
I would have called her because, apparently, with her, my lines are blurred.
“Leo, I promise I left a note. We both may be at fault here. What do you say we start over? A fresh start?” She graces me with her beautiful smile.
I’m all for a fresh start, but I don’t want to wait a week to be inside her again or feel her sinful mouth on my hardness.
I smirk thinking about it.
“Why are you smirking?”
“Do you want an honest answer?”
“No, I want you to lie to me,” she answers sarcastically. “Of course, I want an honest answer.”
Lowering my mouth to her ear, I whisper, “I can’t wait to get your fucking mouth around my dick again, and I’m eager to get inside you again.”
She blushes. I love making her cheeks flush. I’ve caught on to that happening when she’s turned on, and I plan to make her do it often.
She is so sexy.I want to take her home right now and fuck her all night, and I also want to wake the next morning and find that she stayed. It’s an unusual thought for me but true.
Damn, she has me by my balls.
Glancing over her shoulder, I notice we’re being observed by Sierra, Nash, Luke, Becca, and some others, including Liz. She has her arms crossed over her chest and is clearly disgusted.
Fuck. I forgot she was here. I was supposed to be leaving.Not that I give a damn what she thinks, but I’ve brought enough attention to us tonight.