Page 25 of Worth the Risk

I clench around him, and it sets him off. He slams into me three more times before he yells, “Fuck.” He lets go, his body shuddering in pleasure as he empties himself inside me.

When he’s finished, he lies down on top of me, and I’m not sure how long we take to catch our breath with his weight on me and his head on my shoulder, but it eventually becomes uncomfortable.

When I wiggle, he pushes up on his elbow. “Sorry,” he says and pulls out and gets up, takes off the condom, throws it in the trash can beside his bed, and goes to the bathroom.

He takes so long in there that my sexual afterglow wears off, and I begin to feel a little self-conscious. Pulling the blankets out from underneath me, I cover myself up. Gone is the girl who watched him jerk himself off and got so hot she undressed and gave him a blow job. Now I’m just Kylie again.

I don’t know what the protocol is here. Do I stay or leave?

Exiting the bathroom, Leo stares at me snuggled under his blanket. Confusion crosses his face as his arms hang at his sides. Panicked, I clutch the covers closer to me. Seeing my discomfort, he stalks over to the bed, lifts the covers, and crawls underneath them, throwing an arm over his eyes and saying nothing.

Feeling uncomfortable and desperate to flee, I slip out of bed with the covers tucked tightly around me. When Leo senses me move, he lowers his arm and gives me an inquisitive look.

“I… um… should probably get going,” I utter, feeling dejected.

“No,” he insists, shocking me. “Stay with me tonight.”

His expression reveals he is as surprised as me that he said it.

Climbing into the bed again, I face away from him. He makes no move to scoot closer and says nothing else, so I lie in silence for a while.Should I leave?I don’t think he’s fallen asleep yet either, so maybe I should go.

Next thing I know, he puts his arm around me and pulls me so my back is squashed against his chest.

“Sleep, Sunshine,” is all he says.

Eventually, in his arms, I fall into a deep slumber.

When I wake the next morning, he’s gone.



Jogging up my street, I turn right onto the driveway before slowing to cool down. I’ve always enjoyed running and do it most mornings. It’s a great way to clear my head.

If ever my head has needed clearing, it is today.

And yesterday.

And the day before that.

Actually, from the night I met Kylie.

She’s consumed my thoughts day and night since I first laid my eyes on her.

At this very moment, she’s asleep in my bed—a place I’m eager to get back to. It was hard leaving her this morning. She looked like an angel, her blonde hair spread across the pillow.

I woke up with pressure on my shoulder, an arm across my stomach, and a leg over my thighs. I took a deep breath and smelled a hint of coconut. It was her. Kylie.

Her scent alone was enough to make me hard, and I was torn between letting her sleep and sinking back into her, but I seriously needed to take a piss. It’s a well-known fact that men should never try to take a piss with an erection. It’s not pleasant.

Before I make the situation worse, I carefully peeled Kylie’s arm off my stomach, laid it along her side, and slipped out from underneath her. She mumbled “Leo” before rolling onto her side.

I raced into the bathroom to splash water on my face a couple of times to wake up while giving my dick time to calm down before studying the man staring at me in the mirror.

Who was he?

I had never spent the night with a girl I’d fucked. It was a hard line I had never crossed before because I didn’t want to give them false hope that the night was more than it was. Until last night.