“I love you, Sunshine,” I say while staring deep into her eyes.
She gifts me with a soft kiss on my lips before talking over them, saying, “And I love you, Leo.”
* * *
An hour later, everyone has left the restaurant. Before I go to the restroom, I tell Kylie I’ll meet her at the entrance. As I get closer to the door, I see Kylie holding Riley’s hand while talking with a woman with short blonde hair who has her back to me.
For some reason, I’m on high alert.
As I step closer, Kylie asks her, “Why would you need to speak to Leo?”
Noticing me coming up to them, Kylie peers at me with confusion on her face. “Um… Leo, I’d like you to meet someone.”
The woman spins around quickly at the mention of my name, and when she does, I see unshed tears in her eyes. My world literally stops when I see who she is.
I stand motionless, not able to speak.
I sense Kylie before I realize she’s moved into me. Her hand that’s not holding onto Riley’s rests on my chest. She’s wearing a concerned expression.
“Leo, are you okay?” Unable to find words, I shake my head and glance back at the woman who used to look at me with only love and affection in her eyes.
Kylie’s eyes bounce between the two of us. “Do you know Grace?”
“Who’s Grace?” I manage to find my voice and ask.
Kylie scrunches her nose as she nudges her head to the woman who then hesitantly asks, “Leo, will you allow me to speak with you, please?”
I shake my head again.
I’m surprised by my reaction to her. Instead of yelling at her like I thought I would, I’m as still as a statue.
“I just need to explain things to you. Please allow me to do that.” Tears flow down from her eyes.
She’s different now. Gone is the long brown hair, but it’s the face I’ll never forget.
How could I?
I finally find my voice. “The time for explaining was ten years ago. You’re too late, Mother.”
Kylie gasps as so many emotions flick across her face—confusion, surprise, shock, and sadness. She faces my mother and says, “You told me your name is Grace.”
My mother nods. “I’m sorry to have misled you, Kylie. It was the only way at the time. My full name is Emma Grace...” she now shifts her focus to me, “… Knight. Please, son, I just want to speak with you. There are things you need to understand about why I left. It may be ten years too late, but we’re now safe for me to be back here.”
Safe? What does she mean by that?
Just as I am about to ask, Riley speaks, “Daddy, she called you son. Is she your mommy?”
Crap.I forgot Riley was here. This has got to be confusing to her. She doesn’t need to be here for this. I don’t answer her question but bend down and pick her up, then look at my mother. “As you can see, this isn’t a good time.”
My mother gives Riley a sweet smile, then looks at me again with tears in her eyes. “I understand. Could we please speak soon? It’s important.”
There’s so much I want to say to her now that I’m over my initial shock. I want her to know how she hurt us. How she wrecked Dad. I want her to feel the pain she put us through, but instead, I nod.
“Kylie has my number. I beg you to please use it. I’ll be waiting.” She smiles, and I don’t miss the sadness behind it.
“I’ll be in touch.” I link my hand with Kylie’s and hurry us to our waiting car.
It’s then I realize what she said about Kylie having her number.Do they know each other? If so, how? And why did Kylie call her Grace?So many questions are flying through my mind. I need to get my family home and find out the answers to them.