“How the hell did we miss all this?” he asks, shaking his head in disbelief.
I’ve asked myself that same question. Only able to speak for myself, I know I was too wrapped up in Kylie that summer.
“The night of the fire, we assume she set it up for Beth to tell Kylie about us. Think about it. Beth had plenty of opportunities to tell Kylie before, but why would she have waited until that precise night to tell her?”
Nash nods. “I’m with you on this. She was always stalking you too. Do you think she could have been trying to get you back in bed for Kylie to catch you?”
I run my finger through my hair as I ponder his question. That could have been the plan. Who knows what all Amber had planned to do? The possibilities are endless.
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” It would explain her always creeping around where I was, though.
Nash sits back in thought for a few moments. This is a lot to take in. No one understands that better than me.
“Amber hurt all of us, Leo. In one night, she shattered so many relationships.” I know he is also including Sophie in that. I do believe he cared about her. He wanted her to believe him, and she rejected him. I had never seen Nash put himself out there for a girl, but he did for Sophie.
I shock him when I say, “Amber may have drugged me as well.”
Nash sits up straighter. “What do you mean?”
As I disclose my suspicions to him about that night between Amber and me, he sits back, stunned.
“I never would have imagined this. It’s just so crazy to believe.” Nash shakes his head. “We’ll find out what happened, and we’ll make them pay. We can’t let Amber get away with this.”
I can’t help but get stuck on the word ‘we.’ It seems like Nash and I are the same team once again. I stick my hand out for him to shake, and he stares at it momentarily and takes it.
“Let’s do this shit.”
* * *
Eight days later, Nash enters my office carrying some files.
When he takes a seat in front of me, he smiles big. “We got him.”
Thank fuck.
I call my dad’s office to ask him to come into mine, and he steps through my door minutes later.
Laying out paperwork on my conference table, Nash goes through the transfers that Oliver made to hide the money trail.
Son of a bitch.
I stand up, furious. “I want him out…now.”
“Hold up,” Nash says, raising a hand. “There’s more. There have been other transfers. He’s been doing this for many years, but I need more time. If what I’m discovering is true, this is not the first time, but before I say anything else, I need indisputable proof.”
Shit. How long has Oliver been doing this?I look at Dad, who doesn’t seem angry. He looks forlorn. This is his longtime friend, his confidante, the man who was there for him when my mom left and his world shattered.
The anger leaves my body, and concern for my father takes precedence. I put my hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Dad.” What else can I say? His best friend betrayed him.
Dad puts his hand on top of mine and nods.
“What’s our next step?” I ask Dad.
“I’m calling the authorities. He will be charged.” He looks at Nash and adds, “Get me what I need.” Without another word, he leaves.
No sooner does he leave, than Sophie enters, searching in her purse.
“Hey, Leo. What’s up with Dad? I just passed him in the hall and he pretty much brushed… oh.” She startles as her hand flies up to her chest. Her eyes are locked on Nash. She stops dead in her tracks, staring at him.