Page 129 of Worth the Risk

“James told me that Amber had become friendly with Beth. I believe they planned for Beth to confront me that night. Beth could have told me at any time about you, but she waited till then, a night when I was vulnerable, and you weren’t there. It’s too coincidental she picked that moment to tell me.”

He nods into my shoulder. “Amber knew I was coming down Saturday morning because the gala was the night before. She asked if it would be okay if she came down on Friday because she met friends here. I had no fucking clue who those friends were,” he says, putting it all together.

“She knew how and where to strike. She just needed the opportunity, and she had it that night.” A thought hits me. “The morning after the first night we spent together, I left my number for you. You told me you never saw it. Is it possible she could have taken it? She was at the house.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me at this point. She was acting differently that summer. I had no idea she was in love with me. She must have felt threatened by you. The version of me with you was not what she was used to seeing. She had to notice I was falling in love with you.”

As much as I hate that she saw it and it set her plans in motion, those times together with him were some of the best times of my life.

And though I would want to live in those memories right now, there’s one more thing I must tell him.

“James told me one more thing, and I think you were right about your night with Amber.” I rub his thigh, hoping to soothe him before telling him I’m sure Amber drugged him.

He stiffens and lets out a groan. “That’s not a time I want to remember or talk about, Kylie. It makes me nauseous.”

“I get it, but I want you to hear what I learned yesterday. You said it never made sense to you. You had never felt an attraction to her before or even after that.”

“I didn’t feel like myself. She kept touching me, and I hate that I didn’t stop it,” he mutters, dejected.

I hate that he didn’t stop it too. I truly think he would have had he been lucid.

“James told me she supplied him with several drugs, and most times, it was just him doing them. But the night they first had sex, he took a molly. She would know how someone would react to it.”

Leo stiffens again and hugs me tighter.

I give him time to take this information in.

“Fuck. It seemed unbelievable that she drugged both you and Nash. Knowing what I know now, it’s the only thing that makes sense.”

We sit in silence, letting everything sink in. We still don’t know it all. Nash will be in New York next week, and I hope he can help us find some answers.

After a few moments, he says, “There’s a charity event next Friday in New York I must attend. I want you to go with me. If we are going to move forward, I want everyone to know that we’re together. I won’t hide us, Kylie.” Leo is adamant, and it makes my heart flutter.

“I would love to attend with you. We’re in this together, and I want to be by your side, always.” I place a tender kiss on his lips. “I’ll need to get a dress. Where can I get one in New York?”

He chuckles. “I have an idea, but we have to be in New York by Thursday. Now, enough of the past. I’m going to take you into my bedroom and show you our future.” I love seeing him smile after the tough conversation we had.

“Lead the way.”

He takes my hand and guides me upstairs, where he shows me just how great our forever will be.

* * *

Leo, Riley, and I spent the following days in Leo’s home. I fell asleep next to him each night and woke to him each morning. We took Riley to the lake, swam in the pool, played board games, and watched movies together. Too soon, we have to head back to New York. It’s hard leaving Mom and Manda, but they insisted I go.

It’s Thursday, and we’re back in Leo’s penthouse. Leo had a room redecorated for Riley while we were gone—a princess room for his princess. She’s spent the past thirty minutes going through everything. He even had a castle bed installed for her.

Unfortunately, Leo had to go to the office for a couple of hours, but Riley let him leave this time without crying and worrying he wouldn’t come back.

When I hear a knock on the door, I go to answer it, and I’m shocked to see the woman on the other side.


The last time I saw her, she pushed me. I was so confused with what was going on that I didn’t retaliate. She thought the worst of me that morning, and I get it, but if she thinks she will get away with it again, she’s wrong.

Sophie smiles timidly at me, and I let my guard down. “Hello, Kylie. May I come in?”

Nodding, I open the door wide to allow her entry. She passes me and heads straight to the living room to take a seat on the sofa. I follow her but sit in the chair. She’s clearly uncomfortable and wrings her hands together. I give her time to say what she needs to say.