Page 126 of Worth the Risk

Eventually, we both calm down, and my pumps slow to a stop. I lay my head on her shoulder while softening inside her. My dick never wants to leave this spot.

I glance down at her face.How did I ever get so lucky to have the chance with her, not once, but twice?There will not be a third time because this time, we will stick. I know it because I’ll never let her go again.

I give her a gentle kiss. She deserves a little gentleness after how hard I took her.

Inching away, I gently pull myself out of her, the feeling alone making me harden again. I’m tempted to shove myself back into her, but she might need a few moments before we do that a second time.

Once out all the way, I peer down and see my cum leaking out her pussy.

Fuck, now that’s a sight.

Bringing my fingers down into my cum, I rub it all around her, then push it back in.

Where it belongs,the caveman in me thinks.

She stiffens, and a quiet wince escapes her, which has me glancing up. She’s in a little discomfort now that her arousal has been sated. She’s probably a bit sore since we went hard, and I pounded her harder than I ever had.

“How sore are you?” I ask her.

She shrugs and sighs. “Just a little, but I won’t lie, it was worth it.” She gives a sheepish grin and another shrug.

God, I love this girl.

I admit it. That shit never went away.

“Let’s get you into the bath… it’ll help with the soreness.” I get out of bed, grab my shorts, and jump when a stinging bite hits my ass.What the fuck?

Kylie is laughing.

She just bit me on the ass.

“I’ve always wanted to do that.”

Getting up close to her face, I say, “Careful, baby. You know I like to bite too.” That stops her laughter in its tracks, and she blushes, ready for another round. I would give it to her if she weren’t so sore, but she is, and one of us must think clearly.

“Up,” I say instead. Taking her by the hand, I lead her into the bathroom.

* * *

Kylie texts her mom and lets her know she will pick Riley up in the morning. We need some alone time together.

Kylie is lying on her stomach, naked and facing me. I’m on my side, with my head on one hand and my other stroking her back and butt. She sighs, smiles, and opens her eyes. “Cuddle me,” she demands before she rolls over.

Wrapping my arm around her, I bring her back to my chest to do as she asks.

“This is one of the things I’ve missed most. The closeness afterward,” she admits.

With her, I missed it too.

“Only with you,” I agree, and she stiffens.

“At least there’s that,” she says, and I hear the sadness in her voice.

“What do you mean?”

“I know you weren’t a saint while we were apart, and I have no right to be upset, but just imagining how many there have been in between…” she shrugs, “… it bothers me.”

“They weren’t you, Kylie.” That means something to me even if it doesn’t to her.