He appears discouraged about my reminder that we have to eventually return home.
“I realize now isn’t the time, but we really need to talk.” He wants to talk about Riley, but he won’t in front of her.
“I agree. We have decisions to make.”
He gives me a nod. “We do.”
I kiss Riley on her cheek. “Bye, sweetie. Have fun with Daddy today. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Mommy. Love you.”
“I love you more.”
They leave with Riley waving enthusiastically over her father’s shoulder, and my heart soars. Riley has her father in her life, and although I don’t know where it leaves Leo and me, I’m optimistic that things are headed in the right direction for the first time in a long time.
* * *
Sierra is just about to get in the shower when I show up, so I sit on her sofa, and while I wait, I bring up my Instagram to see a follow request. It’s from Leo. I think I’ll let him wait it out—payback from blocking me in the first place. Although I’m curious to see what he has on his profile.
Scrolling down my feed, I like a picture here or there, but I can’t help wondering about what Leo has on his account. Like, scroll down, wonder what’s on Leo’s page. And repeat.
This goes on for ten minutes before I give in to my curiosity and accept his request.
I forgot I need to request to follow him back. So much for making him wait. Now I must wait for him to accept my request.
I keep refreshing my page to see if he accepted until Sierra sits next to me. The shower is still running, so I’m sure Kason is in there. We got off to a rocky first start, but he’s Leo’s cousin, so he obviously had some reservations.
“How’s life with the baby daddy?” Sierra asks.
I laugh. “Good. Too good.”
She studies me for a few moments. “Oh my God, you slept with him, didn’t you?”
Guilty as charged.We had sex two nights ago, but nothing since. My lady parts are a little disappointed, but Leo has not hidden his desire from me. I see it in his eyes and feel it in the warmth of his touch. Innocent grazes here or there with Riley always around, but I feel it. “Technically, we didn’tsleeptogether.”
“Stop it. You know what I mean. So, tell me, was it as good as you remembered?”
“Yes, just as good. Actually, it was amazing… it always was with Leo. But it wasn’t exactly the same. There was no snuggling in bed or waking up next to each other. I miss that. I shouldn’t, but I do.” Not to mention, I feel like there is still a part of Leo holding himself back.
She puts her hand on mine. “I figured old feelings would come back. Loving someone as hard as you both loved each other and to not expect to feel anything, even after spending years apart, isn’t possible.”
“I don’t think the feelings ever left, for either of us, if I’m reading him correctly. We were so angry at each other, and it was easy to hang onto that. After our initial fight and now knowing some truths, a lot of our anger has dissipated. We could have held grudges and continued to fight, but what good would that do for either of us, especially with Riley in the mix? We’re handling the situation the best we can. Also, how can I stay angry at someone when what I believed wasn’t true?”
Maybe I never stopped loving him. God, I’m so confused. What happens when I go home?If I’m being honest, I’ll miss what I’ve had this past week with Leo and Riley. It’ll be hard letting him go again.If we could work, could I take another risk with him?
I think I could, but would he want to take another risk with me?
Kason comes into the living room in athletic shorts while pulling a shirt on.Damn. No wonder Sierra is over the moon with this one. Who wouldn’t be?Leo is still the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on, but I’m still able to recognize when another man is as handsome as Kason.
“I can see why you’re smitten with that one, Sierra. Look at what you must deal with. There’s no contest against your walk-away routine.”
Sierra appears thoughtful for a moment, then smiles. “You know all your mom and Manda’s talk about the one might be true? I don’t think I could ever walk away from him. He’s quickly become special to me. And getting sexed all night and into today has not stopped me from wanting to climb on him for another round. I know damn well he’s good for it too.”
It’s great to see Sierra finally letting her walls down. Or better yet, her finally allowing someone in to break them down. It took a strong man like Kason to do it. I’m sure he needed a sledgehammer to get through them.