Page 114 of Worth the Risk


“Hi, Manda,” Riley says, climbing onto my lap and grabbing at my phone.

“Hi, my Riley girl. I’ve been missing you.”

“I miss you too, Manda. I went swimming on top of a really big building.”

“Sounds like you’re having fun in New York with your dad. I’ve not been able to speak to him, but will you give him a message for me?”

“Yep,” Riley responds.

“Tell him I run every day and sharpen my knives. I’ll be seeing him soon.”

I spit my orange juice all over the kitchen counter.

“Yuck, Mommy. You spit out your juice.” If Riley only knew what Manda meant by that.

“I had a tickle in my throat, and it made me spit.” It is the first thing that comes to mind to say. I won’t tell her how Manda plans to cut her dad’s balls off.

Giving Riley my phone, I let her talk to Manda while I get some paper towels to clean up my mess.

I’ve noticed Manda seems a little run down this past week whenever we talk, so when I get on the phone with her again, I ask, “Are you feeling okay, Manda?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Don’t you worry, I’m just a little tired. I’m going to lie down for a bit, so I’ll let you go. Love you, my girls.”

“Love you too, Manda,” we say together before I disconnect the call.

“Daddy,” Riley squeals and runs and jumps into his arms.

“Good morning, Princess.” He hugs her and kisses her cheek.

“We talked to Manda. She told me to tell you something.”

Leo raises his eyebrows. “She did?”

“Yep. She said she sharpens her knives and runs now.”

Leo stiffens and cocks an eyebrow at me. He remembers her threat.

“Shame I have to miss my run today. I’ll need the practice so she won’t catch me,” he says, laughing.

“You’re faster than Manda,” Riley points out.

“I hope so. I’d hate to have her catch me and cut off my ba—” he stops himself “… balloons.”

“Daddy, you don’t have any balloons.”

It is funny watching him sweat, and when I laugh out loud, Leo gives me a side-eye.

“And Daddy still won’t have any if Manda catches him,” he jokes.



“Mommy made a mess on your table. She had a tickle in her throat, and it made her spit out your juice.”

Leo looks at me and smirks. “Did she now? I don’t recall Mommy ever spitting out my juice from a tickle in her throat. Maybe she needs to drink more of my juice to get used to it. I’m willing to share it with her.” He gives me a devilish grin, and I immediately know what he’s alluding to, the sly bastard.