“You know what.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”I really don’t.
“Gina Sanders,” she states, throwing her arms up.
“Should that mean something to me?”
“You don’t even know who I’m talking about, do you?” She huffs, exasperated.
I shake my head.Nope, not a clue.
“My friend from college I brought home on a visit with Dad two years ago.”
I thought her name was Sheena?She came home for a weekend visit with my sister. I happened to be home that weekend as well, and she made eyes at me from the second I walked in the door. I woke up in the middle of the night to her crawling into my bed, and we had sex. Afterward, she snuck back into my sister’s room.
Apparently, she didn’t appreciate me not returning her affection and refused to talk to my sister ever again. Sophie never brought another friend home after that, at least not while I was there.
“Sis, Sheena snuck into my room. She initiated it.”
“Eww.” She gasps, covering her ears from my response and making a vomiting noise.
“And her name was Gina.” She throws her arms in the air again.
“Okay…Ginasnuck into my room. If anything, you should be upset with her for taking advantage of me in my sleep,” I argue, trying to defend myself.
Sophie shakes her head.Yeah, she’s not buying that.
“Hi, Leo,” Amber greets, smiling at me as she enters the room.
I give her a hug and whisper, “Save me.”
Laughing, she swats me on the chest. “You’re on your own, big boy.”
Sophie seems to be less angry now. “Listen, Leo, I met Kylie and Sierra today, and I like them. Can you please just try not to ruin a new friendship for me?”
I’m not promising a thing.“Who’s Sierra?”
“She’s a friend of Kylie’s.”
I wonder if she was the girl Kylie was with at the party that night.
“I invited them out with us tomorrow night. However, that was before she met you, so now she probably won’t go after that first impression you gave her.”
“Actually, I met her last week at a party.”
“You did?”
“Yes, I did. She was having some trouble with a guy. He grabbed her in a way I didn’t like. I guess he didn’t enjoy seeing her kiss me, and I didn’t like how he yanked her away, so I set him straight.”
“James?” she asks.
“I don’t know his name.” Curiosity gets the best of me, so I ask, “How do you know his name? Did she talk about him to you?” I notice Amber is taking in this conversation with fascination, but she keeps quiet.
My sister tells me about an incident with some guys at the beach and how Kylie helped her out. “Then, as we were leaving, he said something about her and James being broken up and he doesn’t mind having James’ sloppy seconds.”
“What the hell? A woman like Kylie could never be sloppy seconds.”She should be cherished.
I shake my head, wondering why in the hell I thought that about her.