Page 4 of Worth the Risk

“Why not?”

“I wouldn’t know what to say. James was my only boyfriend, so I wouldn’t know how to start a conversation with a random guy.”

“Hmm…” Sierra ponders and smiles mischievously. “Okay. No talk, then. Small talk is useless anyway. Just traipse straight up to him and lay a kiss on him. That way you’ll know if he’s worth getting to know better. If he is, I’m sure he’ll be more fun than that vibrator I gave you before I returned to school.” She laughs and raises an eyebrow. “Hmm… I think he could get the job done. Besides, it’s been too long for you, and I’m afraid your vagina may close soon from lack of use.”

My jaw drops.She didn’t just say that.But this is Sierra, so I know she did. I peer around the room to be sure no one overheard her, especially Leo, who is still talking with his friend. During my check, my gaze once again lands on the Adonis’ backside.

I quickly avert my eyes, not wanting the girls to bust me checking him out again.

Sierra has a point, though. James was my first and only. Although, if I’m honest, I have never had the sex I’ve read about in books. It was good, but it wasn’t great. I never truly understood what all the fuss was about. Sex felt mechanical, like something you’re required to do in a relationship. I cared for James, but maybe an intensity for it was what was missing.

“Not that there is any chance of that happening, but if I’m ever going to get up the nerve, I’ll need some liquid courage first,” I say and head to the kitchen to grab a bottle and set up some shots.

Three shots and a pleasant buzz later, I scan the room, but I haven’t seen Leo for a while.Did he leave?Becca hands me a fourth shot, and we clink glasses and throw them down. Poor Sierra. She is my designated driver, so she’s not drinking. It’s all part of her single-Kylie-is-coming-out plan.Did I mention how much I love this girl?

Nature calls, so I excuse myself to use the upstairs bathroom. Outside the bathroom door, I pause when two voices I know well project from the other side—James and Beth.Funny how I almost forgot about him while I’ve been here.

With liquid courage running through my blood, I open the door.

I should be prepared, but somehow, I’m not.

James’ pants are unzipped, and Beth is up against him with one arm wrapped around his neck and her free hand inside his pants. Their eyes dart up to see who has caught them, and after the shock fades, Beth gives me a malicious smile, and James pulls her hand from his pants and zips them up.

Disgusted at seeing them together, I sprint down the hallway. James runs after me with skanky Barbie in her red tank dress following.

When he catches up to me, he grabs my elbow and spins me around. “That wasn’t what you think. She came onto me. I was trying to get away from her.”

I glower at him as if to ask if he’s serious.Her hand was down his pants, for goodness’ sake.

“I don’t want her. I still love you, Kylie.”

From behind him, Beth gasps.

Although I’ve moved on from what he did to me, it still hurts to find them like that. I knew what they did, but seeing it with my own eyes is hurtful.

“Oh yes, he loves you all right, but it doesn’t stop him from coming back to me. I guess you couldn’t satisfy him like I can. You must be shit in bed because he’s always begging me to take care of his needs.”

I stiffen.

James shifts on his feet to glare at her. “Shut the fuck up, Beth. If Kylie answered one of my messages, I would have never come to you again. I don’t want you. Never have.” Beth’s face falls, but he ignores her. “I want another chance, Kylie, please. I still love you.”

Oh, the nerve of him.

Outside of his cheating and lying, he was good to me, but I could never be with him again. Call me a romantic, but I believe if you genuinely love someone, you never have sex with someone else because no one else would catch your eye.

As I think about them having sex behind my back—who knows how many times—I get angry.

What Sierra said earlier comes crashing to my mind, and with liquid courage still in my bloodstream, I devise a plan. It’s a bit childish, but I don’t give a shit.

I shoot daggers at James.Here goes nothing.

“You both can go to hell and take your disease-infected dick with you. You two deserve each other, and quite frankly, I can do better.”

Marching down the stairs with my plan at the forefront of my mind, I peer into the living room when I get to the bottom. The gods must be smiling down on me because there is the Adonis, standing on the other side of the living room, talking with Luke, Becca, and his friend, Nash. I notice Sierra entering the living room, and when I give her a big smile, she furrows her brows at me in question.

Oh yes. I’m not only about to shock myself but my friends as well.

With bravery I’ve never had before, I head in Leo’s direction. When I get about three feet from him, he peers in my direction and runs his eyes over my face, down my body, and up again. He licks those sexy lips, his gaze eating me up, and my body becomes hot. If the desire on his face is anything to go by, my advance will be accepted.