Stunned stupid and unable to find words, I dropped the phone to my lap.
When James exited the bathroom, he glanced at me, then at his phone. Realization flashed across his face as he rushed to me, picked up the phone, said something to Beth, and hung up. He had a dreadful expression as he reached out to place his hand on my cheek.
“Don’t touch me,” I screamed, waking up from my shock and moving to the other side of my bed. “Is it true?”
I’m not sure why I asked him because his demeanor told me it was.
“I didn’t want you to find out this way,” he said, fear evident on his face. “I’m so sorry, Kylie. I don’t think it’s mine.”
Not how itcouldn’tbe his, but the fact that he wasnot sureif itwashis.
“How?” He stared at me deadpanned. “Not how. I obviously know how, you asshole. How could you do this to me?” I screamed. “All those times you told me there was nothing between you two and convinced me the rumors were lies. You’ve been lying to me and making a fool of me for years.”
“I’m sorry,” he said again with tears in his eyes. “I promise I never meant to hurt you. I know how she made it sound, that it’s been for years now, but it was only once. I swear.”
“For once in your life, tell me the damn truth,” I screamed. “I deserve at least that.”
“Yes, you do.” He exhaled. He knew there was no way of talking himself out of it.
That evening, he explained how she showed up at his university. His football team had just won a big game, and she went to the victory party with them later that night. He drank a lot, and the next morning, he woke up in his bed with her next to him. He had the nerve to tell me it meant nothing.
I mustered up the backbone and told him to leave and never come back. After another fake apology, he left. For the rest of the winter break, I stayed home. No parties with friends or going out. I was so embarrassed I believed him and felt like a fool.
Afterward, James constantly texted, saying how sorry he was and how he missed and loved me. I wouldn’t answer. I was done. Eventually, I blocked him. However, I heard from our mutual friend, Becca, that Beth was no longer pregnant and told James she miscarried the baby.
I don’t believe the skank was ever pregnant. She merely wanted to break us up, and it worked.Well done, Beth. Well done.
And that brings us to today. Everyone is home for the summer, and Luke is throwing a welcome home party.I’ll stride into that party and show everyone James and Beth didn’t break me.
While entering the en suite bathroom, I remove the towel from my head and let my long, blonde waves underneath fall free. While I’m blow-drying my hair, Sierra enters to touch up her makeup.
Sierra is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. With her long, dark hair and warm skin tone, she is stunning. Her mother was African American, and her father Caucasian, so Sierra’s skin tone is a lovely year-round tan. Her green eyes are her best feature, the only one she got from her father. She resembles her mother in every other way, who was a stunning woman in her own right.
I switch off the hair dryer and apply my makeup. I’m ready to face whatever the night has in store.
Manda and Mom are sitting in the family room when we head down the stairs an hour later. As we enter, they give us a beaming smile.
“You girls heading out now?” Manda asks, rising from her reclining chair. She hugs us before giving me a serious stare. I know she has something to say, so I wait for her words of wisdom. “Orgasms are one of the healthiest forms of stress relief. So, when you tell James to go fuck himself, be sure to tell him it’s only because you care.”
Sierra and I bend over in laughter, tears in our eyes.
God, I love Manda.
Once we catch our breath, Manda gives us a mischievous smile and sinks back onto her chair.
Mom shakes her head with a smirk. “Be safe tonight, girls, and call if you need me. Love you,” she says, blowing a kiss.
We blow her one in return and head to my red convertible.
As I back out of the driveway, Sierra says, “All these years and Manda still manages to surprise me. How is that possible?”
“She’s one in a million, that’s for sure.”
“So, I have to be honest with you,” Sierra starts. “Becca told me James and Beth plan to be at Luke’s party tonight. She wanted you to have a heads-up.”
“Whatever. They won’t ruin my night,” I say with a flip of my hand.
“Apparently, they’re not together. She didn’t trap him like she hoped. Becca says he’s still hung up on you.”