“Would you like a drink?” I offer Nash.
“Sure. A beer would be great.” When I wave him into the kitchen, he wheels his suitcase beside him and stops at the island.
Popping the tops on two bottles of beer, I give him one. He’s different. He no longer has the longer hair. It’s cut short.
“Let’s head into my office. I have access codes to get into the company accounts in there.”
He nods and follows me. I take a seat on one of the two chairs that sit in front of my desk, and Nash takes the other.
It hurt to see how Nash had some sort of a relationship with Riley in her first years, and I had nothing. I hate when I think about the time I lost and try to make up for it—like buying her a pony.
Kylie didn’t agree I should have told her I would, and I know she’s right. I’ll have to learn to tell her no, but that’s tough for me to do right now. I’ll have to work on that. Eventually.
“I want to thank you for doing this for me. You could have told me to fuck off.”
And I would have deserved it if he did.
Raising his eyebrows, he asks, “Who says I’m doing it for you?”
He is still harboring some ill will toward me.I can work with that.
“Whatever your reasons, I want you to know that I appreciate it. I need someone who I trust.”
“You trust me now, do you?”
He’s not going to make this easy.
“I do.” And it’s true. “I need to get this information as quickly as possible. If Oliver was behind the money, we need him out of the company and charged.”
I tell him everything I know and what we suspect while Nash listens, letting me get it all out.
“This Oliver seems shady if you ask me. Then again, he’s Amber’s father. I assume the corroded nut doesn’t fall far from the rotten tree with them.”
I laugh.Fucking Nash. He was always good for a laugh.
He grows solemn and sighs, and I know we have a tough talk ahead of us. “Leo, I never had sex with Kylie. I have no proof, and neither does she, but nothing happened.”
I nod because I know they didn’t.
I take a deep breath before I speak again. “I’m sorry for everything that happened five years ago. I can sit here and blame Amber, but I allowed myself to believe her, and I’ll regret it till my dying day. I’m sorry it took so long to tell you that. Truth is, I believed you both before Kylie and I were told what really happened by another person.”
Eyes growing wide in curiosity, he asks. “What do you mean, another person?”
Hell, where do I even begin with this story?“Amber wasn’t the only person in the house with you and Kylie that night.”
Nash sits forward and rests his elbows on his knees. “Who?” he asks with a murderous glint in his eyes.
“James, Kylie’s ex.”
“Why the fuck would he have been there?”
“Amber was waiting for the perfect time, and when the opportunity arose, she took it.”
I update him on everything Kylie learned from James.