Page 13 of Do-Over with my Ex

“Steal him away from me? Of course you did.” She smiled sweetly at me.

“Well, not fromyou. Just for me.”

Anna and Lexi both stared at me before Anna started laughing.

“You don’t have to look so serious about it, it’s fine. Lorenzo clearly had a thing for you.”

Of course he did. Why was she being so nice about it? I would have been a total bitch if it had been the other way around. Come to think of it, I was a total bitch either way.

“I hope you could kiss and make up,” I said. I didn’t really hope that.

“Oh, no,” Anna snorted. “Seriously, Lorenzo is like a brother or something. We’re really good friends, but there’snothingthere. He’s not my type.”

“Drop-dead gorgeous Italian hunk isn’t your type?” I asked.

Anna’s eyes sparkled. “I think he’s more your type.”

I shrugged. “I guess there’s no accounting for taste.”

Anna and Lexi exchanged amused glances.

“Are you going to be here long?” Lexi asked.

“I’m shopping for a client. I’m doing a big event on the weekend, and I’m trying to stage the place right for the preview. I have a contract with the store.”

“You coordinated the wedding,” I said, remembering what Lorenzo had said.

Anna nodded.

“You don’t only do weddings?”

Anna shook her head. “I do pretty much whatever comes across my path. It’s how we stay afloat.”

“When she says ‘we’ she means her,” Lexi said. “Anna is a one-man band.”

“Impressive,” I said.

Anna shrugged, and when Lexi suggested she join us, she agreed.

I’d thought things were going to be awkward with her since I’d effectively stolen her date, but Anna was fun and chatty, and I liked her. It sounded like she worked hard; she was a single mother, and she did what she had to do. I could respect people like that who made their own way and didn’t need a man to do it.

After we’d bought at least half the mall’s worth of merchandise, we walked to the food court. I didn’t usually eat at fast-food restaurants. I watched my weight so that men could look at my body. I made an exception when Lexi and Anna both ordered burgers and fries. I swapped out my fries for a salad, but I opted for a burger. I was walking on the wild side.

“So, how did you and Lorenzo meet?” I asked Anna when we sat down at the tables in the center of the food court. We were really roughing it today.

“Oh, I organized one of his wine events,” Anna said.

“Wine events?”

“Sure. He’s a sommelier and the spokesperson for Nuvole, the vineyard his family owns in Napa. He sponsored all the wine at the wedding. I suggested it since I coordinated it, so it was a win-win that we went together.”

My eyes widened. “I didn’t realize he was that involved in his family’s business. When I met him, he’d been completely set on fighting them and going his own way.”

“When did you meet?” Anna asked.

“When we were in college. He was an exchange student, and we housed him for a couple of weeks. One thing led to another and we were involved, but it ended when he had to go home.”

“Ooh,” Anna said, her mouth rounded in surprise at the juicy gossip.