Page 7 of Becoming Bennet

It’s only one night. I’ll figure out the table bed tomorrow.

“Fine, just give me a minute,” I mutter and then walk to the rickety door and look for the lock, but I can’t find one. I jiggle the handle and the door swings open. Did the 1970s not believe in safety because there is no fucking lock on this door.

“There’s no lock, Bennet.”

I turn to look at him, eyes wide.

“What?” he grumbles, leaning up on his elbows. “Come to bed,” he adds exasperated, tucked under the covers and looking at me like I’m the ridiculous one.

“No. Lock. Bennet.”

“No. Need,” he says as he lies flat on his back and closes his eyes like we aren’t just sitting here out in the open with only a rickety door to shield us from the wildlife.

We might as well be lying out in the field with the murderous cows.

I stare at the door and then send up a prayer, hoping there aren’t serial killers in Kansas. I shudder. Well, if I wasn’t already going to spend the night next to Bennet, I sure as hell would now.

No way am I lying there right next to the open door where anyone could come in and kidnap me. And I am very kidnappable. I’m small and would probably be too scared to put up a fight.

I move toward the bed and see Bennet underneath the covers, just the tip of his hair peeking out. Quickly, I use the tiny bathroom and pull on some pajamas before I lose the nerve and then crawl up next to him, shivering slightly. I am pretty sure these trailer walls are insulated with asbestos.

I am going to die of either cancer or hypothermia.

“Come here,” Bennet says when my teeth chatter so loudly my ears ache.

I glance over at him and huff. No way. I am not cuddling with Bennet. No fucking way.

But still, I scoot toward him and let my body press against his. He’s warm.

So damn warm.

“What are you? Part werewolf?” I ask as he wraps an arm around me and pulls me into his bare chest. I feel his face tuck into my hair and listen to him inhale deeply.

If it was any other man, I’d think he was smelling me, but it’s just Bennet. I’m pretty sure he’s just breathing heavily.

“I just run warm,” he says as he shifts his body, placing his dick right at my ass and his chest flush with my back.

I just lie there, trying to keep myself from hyperventilating. Because Bennet feels really damn good. I want to close my eyes and fall asleep in his warmth.

“Stop overthinking this,” he murmurs as his hand splays across my stomach.

Butterflies erupt and take flight within my chest, and I bite down on my bottom lip to keep myself from gasping.

Fuck, I really need sleep. I’m exhausted, but being this close to him is making me all jittery. Bennet seems to have no problem with the proximity though. He seems right at home.

A moment later, his breathing evens out and he starts to snore.

I wiggle up against him and he sighs, his hold against me tightening.

I need to relax so I do some deep breathing meditation and force myself to calm down. The probability of cows wandering in and nibbling on us is unlikely. As is someone coming in to kill us in our sleep. And it’s just Bennet…it’s just him.

This isn’t so bad. Not bad at all actually.

Bennet tucks his face into my neck, his lips brushing against my skin, his breath puffing against me. It should be annoying, but it just ends up being soothing, and I find my body relaxing with each exhale.

This isn’t bad. Not at all.

Before I know it, I’m out.