Page 67 of Becoming Bennet

“I’m sure it’s someone from my mom’s church group. And Kristy and Bridgette are here so I’m sure it’s fine…”

Just as I say that the front door swings open and Damon struts out, wearing tight leather pants, a shiny silver shirt, a long jacket, and a bright purple scarf.

“Well hello, you fabulous people in tornado alley!”

“Oh god,” I say just as Jasper utters, “For fuck’s sake.”

My mom tuts a little at the use of profanity, and Jasper blushes slightly, apologizing immediately for his faux pas.

Damon saunters toward us just as Kristy and Bridgette walk out of the house, standing on the porch with Reed and Carter following behind them.

Well, hell, the whole gang is here. Shoot, this is not what I was expecting when I drove my mom home from the hospital.

“Your friends are here. Very unexpectedly,” Kristy says, tension bleeding through her tone, her posture stiff. Oh god, this is gonna set her off. Especially Damon with his flamboyant attitude and speech.

But Damon doesn’t seem to mind, or if he does, he doesn’t acknowledge it. But then again, he never gives a shit what people think about him. He’s always lived his life for himself, never apologizing for who he is. Rightfully so.

I wish I could be like that with Kristy. Wish I could be as brave.

Damon marches up and throws his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. “You are alive!”

My mom chuckles at that because, like I’ve said, it was just some strong wind.

“We’re fine,” I say, slightly nervous about having all the guys here, but so fucking happy at the same time. It feels like I’ve come home when they’re around, even if they’re so out of place out here… Well, except Reed. He would totally fit in.

“What are you guys doing here?” Jasper asks, and Carter and Reed move down the porch to where we’re standing. I need to get my mom inside, but she’s watching this all unfold with rapt attention. She’s never met my friends before, just heard bits and pieces of the stories I’ve told her. And here they are. All of them. Together.

“We had to make sure you weren’t blown away,” Carter says.

“And to offer my knitting skills to the great people of Kansas,” Damon adds. “I have a whole suitcase full of scarves and beanies to hand out.”

As he says this, he unwraps one from his neck and steps toward my mom, placing the scarf around her neck.

“Much better,” he says with a smirk, and Jasper huffs. “Anyways, aren’t you gorgeous? You must be Bennet’s mom.”

My mom blushes and bobs her head, and Damon beams at me.

“I can see where Bennet gets his looks. Would have been a shame for them to get destroyed by a tornado…Jasper told us all how you ran into one.”

I roll my eyes and pull Jasper into my side.

“Spreading lies again?” I ask, and Jasper eyes me.

“It’s the truth and do not open your mouth and say it was just windy. That’s not a thing.”

I smirk at him and Damon reaches out his hand toward my mom. I see that his nails are painted neon pink, and I bite back a laugh, wondering what the rental car people thought of that, or anyone else for that matter.

“I’m Damon by the way. Bennet’s bestie. And those two guys looming are Carter and Reed.”

“So lovely…” Her words cut off and she shakes her head, trying to formulate a sentence. “Lovely meet you.”

Damon doesn’t even bat an eyelash. “Well, let’s get you inside. It’s freezing out here.” Damon wastes no time helping us get the wheelchair out of the back and insists on being the one to push her inside, up the ramp my brother-in-law built last night, much to Kristy’s dismay. Mark is always doing things last minute. Really gets Kristy into a tizzy.

When we get into the living room, we all kind of just glance around, unsure of what to do. Bridgette lowers herself onto the couch next to where Mom’s wheelchair is, while Kristy eyes my friends scattered around the room warily. She is sitting ramrod straight in a floral chair opposite us, looking far too uncomfortable. As she perches like a gargoyle, Jasper tuts around, placing a blanket over my mom’s lap and Carter moves to the kitchen to grab my mom a drink.

“Oh, don’t worry…I fine.” She tries to wave them off, but they’re relentless. If anything, Carter and Jasper are helpers. Reed is as well, I know what he’s done for his sister, but he’s shy and I know he probably doesn’t want to impose.

“No, no. We’re here to help!” Damon says, sitting on the arm of the couch. “Whatever you need. I brought my rain boots. I’m here to feed the animals…fix the fences. Shear some sheep.”