Page 12 of Becoming Bennet

I shrug. “I dunno, we did some cruising…”

“Like down that main street we saw? That was like three blocks, if that.”

“Yeah, but mostly down some gravel roads,” I add, and Jasper turns toward me, curiosity in his gaze. “Country cruising. It’s a thing and it’s fucking fun.”

“So cruising and what else? I’m intrigued.”

I sit up a little straighter in my seat because I didn’t expect him to be interested in my life, but damn if I’m here for it. Plus, it’s distracting me from what we are driving toward.

“Bonfires out in the middle of nowhere…”

“Which we already covered. You talked about burning plastic and killing the ozone.”

A laugh escapes me. “Fuck’s sake, Jasper. You have a way with words.” I shake my head. “The bonfires are like a big event. It’s not just burning shit. You turn up the radio in one of your trucks, you sit around it, letting the fire flicker, and you hang out. Sometimes you drink. Sometimes you just relax. It’s simple here.”

He arches an eyebrow at me, and I shift in my seat, my hands fisting the steering wheel.

I sigh and just decide to go on, “I mean it’s not like we have a lot of options. There isn’t a lot out here. Football is a big thing and, you know, summer festivals. The rest of the time we just…wander.”

“And this is why you moved to California?” he asks, his hand sweeping to the side. I glance over at the endless flat fields and nod.

“Wouldn’t you want to escape?”

“I sure as hell would…especially since there are tornados here…” His voice trails off and his eyes widen. “There aren’t actually tornados here, are there?”

I shrug. “Nah, I mean, yeah of course they happen, but it’s just some strong wind.”

His mouth drops open, and he throws his hands up. “Tornados pick up whole trucks…cows…fucking houses, Bennet! It’s not justsome wind!”

My stomach clenches as I fight to hold in a laugh. Oh god, if he only knew.

“Tell me you at least have a cellar or a basement in that house? Oh gods, we’re in a trailer…what if one sneaks up on us in the middle of the night?”

“We run,” I say, and he reaches over and pinches me.

“Ow! Jesus,” I say, rubbing the sore spot and then biting my bottom lip to hopefully keep the laughter at bay.

“I’m booking a flight home as soon as I can,” he grumbles, pulling out his phone and then sighing when he realizes once more that there is no service. “I’ll book one home at the hospital,” he grouses as he eyes me. “You and your tornado-lovin’, plastic-burning Kansas will be in my rearview mirror soon enough.”

I reach out and flick his ear, causing Jasper to scoot a little farther away.

“Come on, don’t go. There aren’t any tornados…and I promise to not burn plastic while you’re here.”

He eyes me warily and then nods.

“Fine. Mother Earth thanks you.”

I roll my eyes and then fix them on the horizon. Just another hour or so before I get to see my mom and then we’ll see what happens after that.



Well, that drive was eternal. Where the fuck are the heavenly gates? I have never in my life driven that far in the middle of nowhere to get to another little bit of nowhere. This isn’t even a city. More like a small town.

Jesus fucking Christ this is amazing. I’m in awe.

“Why is there a tractor outside the hospital?” I ask as we make our way to the front doors.