Page 54 of Becoming Bennet

I fling out my hand and snap my fingers together in a shush motion. “They are not the same and it’s not just wind.” Is he insane? Kansans are fucking crazy. “Do not even go there, Bennet.”

He smirks and then leans back in the swing, and for a second, my impending doom is forgotten as I stare down at his still-hard dick.

“You have got to be joking,” I murmur. “You’re hard still?”

“Of course I am. You’re here. I’ve been into you for ages.”

My cheeks flush, and I shift on my feet.

But I can’t let him distract me with that big dick. Nope. Not going to happen. “Well, now isnotthe time.”

“Good a time as any. Sex and danger, sounds like a good time,” he murmurs and then stands up, stalking toward me. My feet carry me backward and I stumble into the post of the porch, Bennet’s body pressed up against mine. “You drive me insane,” he murmurs.

“Right back at you,” I say as my eyes trace the shape of his lips. Those fucking lips, that mouth that makes me crazy.

A moan slips out of me as the wind presses in around us, blowing almost violently. It rattles the chains on the swing and the small hanging pots on the porch. But I can barely hear it. Gods, I want to fuck him, to have him fuck me. I want to be spread out naked beneath him as he pushes his way into my body.

My hands slide up his shoulders as I arch into him, and he leans down, pressing his lips to mine. And I explode, just detonate. But before I can properly kiss him back, he pulls away, my mouth chasing his.


I pause and look up at him. “Huh? Huh, what?”

He still doesn’t seem that worried, but his eyes are on the sky behind me. “Okay, so it is green. You smell that?”

“Smell?” My body quakes with fear as I turn to look out at the sky, and what the fuck! It is green. It’s not like bright lime green, more a grayish green. But oh my gods, it’sgreen.

He just nods, still far too calm. “Yeah, rain’s coming. I can smell it.”


Sure enough, it starts to pour. Just out of nowhere, coming down in sheets. It’s suddenly raining so hard I can’t even see through it. My breath catches in my throat as he says, “Better go inside now.”

Likeno big deal. We are about to die. I turn over my shoulder and see the clouds forming rapidly, and I swear to the gods there is a funnel starting to form in the distance. It’s hard to see through all the damn rain.

I shove away from him and rush toward the door to the house. “So, we just go into the basement? Right? We are safe down there?”

Bennet nods, not in any rush. “Yep. You know where it is, right?” he asks, and I swallow.

“Of course. It was one of the first things I asked Kristy when we got here. I wasn’t about to get sucked up into a wind funnel!”

“Yeah, good. So just go on down there. I’m gonna make sure Winnie and Cluck Norris are in their pens.”

And before I can protest and tell him how silly that is because if a tornado touches down they will all just blow away anyways, he’s jogging off into the distance. I momentarily debate chasing after him, but I know it’s fruitless. He won’t listen to me. He never listens to me. No, he just left me here, all alone.

Unkissed and about to get sucked up by a twister.

What a way to go.

Unfucked and blown to pieces.


* * *

The basement in this house is spooky. I swear to the gods there are spiders looming in every corner down here, just hanging in their little webs with their eight eyeballs, waiting to suck my blood. And I heard a scuttle somewhere in the empty cement walls. In the corner, an old dusty couch is pushed against the wall and a cabinet filled with lord-knows-what sits next to it. I don’t know what I expected when I first traipsed into a tornado basement, but this pretty much fits the bill. They should have included some rations down here or something. Is that what it’s called?

In California, we have earthquake kits that sit in our garages. Not that we’d ever be able to dig them out if our houses fell down on us. And my little bag of food sits in my apartment closet with expired cans of soup. I guess if I was desperate, I’d eat it. But here in Kansas, tornados are serious business, and they don’t even have water down here. Like, how are we gonna survive this? I was not made for roughing it.