Page 9 of Waiting For You

“Kevin was an idiot,” he says softly.

I avert my eyes.

“You need to find someone who will appreciate you.”

I keep my gaze on the road. I will not look at him right now. Will not.

“Yeah, I know that.”

We’re silent once more, the only sounds the scratch of his pencil on paper and the soft music floating through the speakers.

When we approach Mackinac Bridge, one of the longest in the world and one that spans the space between the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan, Quinn shuts his notebook and sits up a little straighter.

“So fucking cool,” he says, smiling over at me. “Joshua is so missing out.”

My heart warms at that and I bob my head. “Yeah, he is. But I don’t blame him. Don’t hold it against him.”

“Nah, I mean, I get it. Hailey is cool, but I’m kind of glad he bailed.”

What the hell does that mean? I want to ask, but the words get stuck in my throat as I drive the five miles across the bridge. And when we pass over to the other side, I position my phone so I can see the directions to the campground.

“So, I thought we’d stay in St. Ignace for a few days and then head on over to Tahquamenon Falls.”

“Yeah, I like that idea,” he says.

Well, that was easy. But then again, things with Quinn are always easy. He never really makes a fuss and seems to just go with the flow. He’s always been able to calm my son’s teenage tantrums, the mild-mannered voice of reason. Things always seem better when Quinn is around.

When we finally pull into the state campground, I pay the fee and find our space, backing the camper into the spot. Then Quinn hops out and helps me level it.

God, he’s helpful. We’re almost like a team.

A rumble of thunder and a flash of light in the distance signals an oncoming storm. The weather in Michigan changes as quickly as the tides, but still, the thought of rain has me rushing to get everything done before we head out to explore.

Michigan summers have long-drawn-out days with the sun setting around ten in the evening, so we have hours before we need to be back and in bed.

In bed.

We’re going to share a small space, just the two of us. He’s spent the night with Joshua a few times over the past four years, but they were so few and far between that I honestly don’t remember them.

I wonder if he brought pajamas. God, I hope so.

Shit, I didn’t consider any of this when I agreed to him coming on this trip with me. I never think things through.

“Want to do Castle Rock and then dinner?” I manage to ask, pulling the truck onto the main road and heading toward our destination.

Quinn nods. “Yeah, Grey. I’ll do anything you have planned. I’m just along for the ride.”

But I mean, the guy has to have opinions, right? Or maybe he really doesn’t care.

“I’d like you to look up things you’d be interested in doing and tell me what you’d like to see. This trip isn’t just about me.”

He eyes me and then nods. “Yeah, okay. Sounds good.”

He fiddles with the radio until we finally pull up to Castle Rock, a scenic point that you have to climb up to really experience. But once you’re up there, you can see twenty miles across Lake Huron.

Or so I’ve been told.

I park the truck and turn it off, turning to face Quinn.