Page 67 of Waiting For You

There is no one at the front desk, not that I expected anyone to be here. This isn’t a bustling town. I’m surprised there’s even a vet in the first place.

“Hey, there,” a deep voice says and my eyes swivel to the small hallway as a man emerges. And let me tell you, I expected someone old with wispy gray hair and glasses. I did not expect a hottie in a lab coat with big muscles.

A guy who is currently eyeing Grey like his next meal, like he already wants seconds. Well, listen up, hot man. This is not the Shire. We don’t do that here. And we definitely do not do that with Grey.

Honestly, this is just my fucking luck. First Robert and now this dude.

His thighs are enormous too—they could crush a head, easily. He looks like he hikes through the Serengeti and works with the hippos.

At least he’s not wearing short shorts. I can’t compete with that. My legs are not that impressive.

“Hi,” Grey says, and looks far too hot just opening his mouth. I mean, honestly, could he just be a little less impressive? But his build, coupled with his voice makes the vet’s cheeks flush in attraction. Bet he doesn’t get men like Grey up here every day.

He’s probably going to try and shoot his shot.

Not that I’d let him. I’ll block that shit. I’ll take a bullet for Grey.

“Oh, what do we have here?” the vet says, bending down and petting the dog’s head. “Look at this handsome fella.”

Well, now he’s just sucking up because this doggo is not handsome.

“Found him outside the restaurant,” Grey says.

“Ah, well, you did good bringing him here.”

Grey perks up a bit at the vet’s praise, and I purse my lips. I’m feeling ridiculously jealous right now and I know it’s absurd, but whatever. I just got him. No way do I want competition right now, and like hell I’m going to share.

“Want me to see if there’s a microchip? Maybe someone’s missing him…”

“That’d be great,” Grey says, and the vet holds out his hand to Grey.

“I’m Michael, by the way.”

Fucking Michael. Couldn’t have a weird name or something, could you?

“Greyson,” Grey says and my eyes narrow at that. Oh, he’s pulling out the formal name? Sly, Mr. Hart. Sly.

“Nice to meet you, Greyson. You passing through?” Michael asks.

“Yup,” Grey says and shifts on his feet. I fold my arms across my chest, watching this exchange. I notice that Michael hasn’t asked me my name. It’s almost like I’m invisible.

As long as Grey still sees me, then we’ll be fine. I won’t have to rage.

“Alright then, let me take this guy to the back. You wanna come? It should just take me a minute,” he says.

Probably wants to get him alone. Like hell I’m letting him.

“We’re fine here,” I say and Michael startles a little as if he forgot I was even here.

“Oh, hi,” he says, and I narrow my eyes at him. I could be polite, but I’d rather not. I think I’ll just be a surly teen right now. At least I have an excuse.

“This is Quinn,” Grey says, and Michael nods.

“Nice to meet you both. Well, okay, just wait here…” he says and bends down, patting his leg. “Right, okay, come here, boy.” The dog woofs once and trots along after him. Well, the dog has some shifty loyalty, but I know I’ll win him over eventually.

When Michael’s out of hearing range, I lean into Grey, inhaling him. God, he smells good. I can’t even be that mad at him. He’s like excreting some kind of pheromone or something. All the single gay dudes flock when he’s around. They can’t help it.

“Greyson,” I say dryly, and Grey’s cheeks flush.