Page 53 of Waiting For You

“Did I break you?” he asks, his lips puffy and red.

“Mhmm,” I say, and he grins.

“Good. Fuckingknow this, Greyson. You’re mine. And I’m yours. I don’t want anyone else.”

He leans down and runs his cheek along the wetness of my own, and I reach up and hold him to me. God, if anyone could see us like this. Messy and wrecked on the floor of my trailer.

I’ve come completely undone.

I’ve completely lost my motherfucking mind.

And it feels so fucking good.



We make a simple late dinner in companionable silence, my eyes drinking him in. I’d eat his ass for dinner if he’d let me because, let me tell you, that was a highlight of the last nineteen years.

We finish eating and then clean up before sitting outside, our camping chairs pushed together, my ankle hooked around his. We just sit, listening to the wind rustling through the trees and the insects chirping.

“You know,” I say softly, reaching out and running a finger down his arm. “If you keep screaming like you do during sex, the forest rangers are going to come investigate. They’ll think there’s been a bear attack.”

“I am a bear,” he says, and I crack a wide smile at that.

“Kind of are,” I say. “So fucking big and hairy.”

I feel my dick chub up just remembering how he looked sprawled out on the floor. Oh hell. I want to do that again. I want to fuck him through a wall.

Grey runs a hand along his chest and eyes me. “I’ll try and keep it down next time.”

“Like hell you will,” I say and then grab on to his arm, squeezing it. “I like you loud.”

He stares at me for a moment and then turns his face back to the darkness in front of us. The only lights are those of the stars above us, the moon, and a few trailers in the distance.

“Should we head in, go to bed? We can get an early start in the morning, see the falls,” he says, and I shrug. I could go either way as long as I’m with him.

“Sounds good,” I say and then we stand up, moving inside. We brush our teeth and use the restroom, and when it’s time to finally tuck ourselves into bed, I move to where he’s sprawled out on top of his sleeping bag.

I don’t even bother asking and just take what I want. My hands pull his boxers off, needing him naked, needing to feel nothing between us, and then I lose my own clothes, crawling in beside him.

“What are you doing?” he asks, not really all that confused, but pretending like he is.

“Sleeping with you,” I say, refusing to let him push me away. “Would it help if I said I was sleepwalking?”

He chuckles and scoots over, making room for me.

“You usually chat while you sleepwalk?” he asks.

“Dunno, maybe,” I murmur, trying to get comfortable.

“You’re too big for me to move,” I add, my hands running up his side. “Turn over.”

He does as I say, turning onto his side, facing away, and I scoot over so my cock is nestled right between his ass cheeks. Like a hot dog in a bun. Fucking cozy is what this is. Like a campout.

“Not gonna fuck you,” I tell him, pressing my nose into the back of his neck. “Just gonna hold you.”

He grunts, and I let my hand fall to his hard abdomen and then down to his cock. It’s semi-hard against my palm, and I sigh.