Page 35 of Waiting For You

“Snoop away, Grey. I’ll let you snoop all day long.”

He runs a hand across his head and then shakes it. “Gonna grab another beer.”

“Want to go for a walk instead?” I ask. “There’s a trail right up there. We can walk out to the lake.”

Sounds all sorts of romantic to me. I want to romance him.

I’ve turned into some Victorian romance novel. But fuck, I’ll keep doing it if it works. I’ll shoot all my shots if it gets me a chance with him.

“Yeah, we can do that,” he says. “Let me just lock up. Want a beer for the road?”

“Hell yeah,” I say, surprised he’s letting me drink when I’m underage, but then again, we’re in the UP. Like, what else are we going to do?

I run inside, tossing my sketchbook on a chair and then meet Grey outside. He’s holding two beers between his fingers and nods toward the trail that disappears between the trees.


“Sure am,” I say.

We walk in silence for the first bit, the sound of gravel beneath our feet. I can make out the waves hitting the beach in the distance. The Great Lakes are so enormous, they look like the ocean. It’s my dream to one day travel to the coast and see what the real ocean looks like, feels like, tastes like. I want to skinny dip in it, feel that cold, salty water rush over me.

I want to do it with Grey.

“Ever been to the ocean?” I ask him.

Grey shrugs. “Nah, never made it out to the coast.”

“You want to?” I ask, already planning trips with him in my mind, where we drive our trailer across entire states and set up camp and make love under the fucking moon.

“Never really thought about it, but yeah, I guess now that Joshua is gone…I guess I could.”

“Yeah, we could plan it,” I say, already inserting myself into his future. I want to plan all the trips with him. He could quit his shitty job, and we could just take odd ones as we move around, like nomads.

Grey peeks over at me. “We could.”

I am already thrilled, so damn excited that he’s even considering it that I nearly fall over, my feet catching on a groove in the pathway.

I stumble forward, but am saved from embarrassment by Grey’s large hand steadying me and pulling me into him.

“Better watch where you step,” he says softly, and I look up at him, my chest pressed into his. And there it goes. My dick is at full mast, just waving in the wind.

Hello, Grey, look over here! Down here!

But he pulls away, leaving me a little bereft and sad.

Wrap your arms around me again, Grey. Let me fuck you against a tree.

“You talk about traveling, but I thought you were going to college?”

I shrug. “Yeah, I got into a place, but I’m not sure I’m going to go, to be honest. Maybe I’ll take a few years off. My passion is my art. I’d love to just do that for a living and it doesn’t necessarily require college.”

“I was always told art never makes much money,” he says, eyeing me again. And I should be offended, but I’m not. Really, Grey would have to say something a lot worse to push me over the edge into anger. Like maybe,your dick is smallorI’d rather fuck Robert.

“Yeah, well it might not, but at least I’d be happy. I’d wither being tied down to a nine-to-five job I didn’t enjoy.”

He runs his free hand across his head and nods. “Yeah, I can see that. It does take its toll on your mind and your spirit…and your body. My knees fucking hurt.”

My eyes slide up and down his muscular torso, those legs I’m obsessed with. They look mighty fine to me.