All from a simple, mostly innocent touch.
Bad. So very bad. And now Robert is watching me curiously. He’s wondering why I’m with a nineteen-year-old guy who looks nothing like my usual type.
Well, fuck. I have no idea how it happened. It just did. And now we’re together for the next thirteen days.
Am I even mad about it? Nope.
No, I’m actually looking forward to it. And I shouldn’t. Ireallyshouldn’t.
This is so very, very bad. I am going straight to Hell. I’ve booked my fucking first-class ticket.
“So, the locks are really innovative,” Robert is rambling again. “They’re powered by gravity, and they use twenty-two million gallons of water to traverse a boat…”
Quinn leans into me, his fingers tracing a vein down my forearm before they link with mine once again. He hasn’t let go of me once as we meandered through the downtown shops, and now we’re standing on a small overlook, watching a freighter move through the locks. It really is fascinating, and I should be paying better attention, but my focus is solely on him.
I keep replaying what happened in the bathroom over and over in my head. How he felt, how he smelled.
“…and it takes about nine hours for a boat to pass through from the river system here…”
Quinn brings our hands up to his mouth and presses a kiss to my knuckles, and my entire body zings with pleasure. Robert’s voice is just a hum in my ear as Quinn meets my stare.
He really is so fucking pretty. His hair has once again come loose from the confines of his ponytail, and a wisp curls around his cheek, blowing in the breeze. His dark eyelashes flutter whenever I move against him, and those pink lips that he keeps chewing on are puffy and just fucking…
They’re just fucking perfect.
I could kiss those lips.
I’ve never wanted a guy like Quinn before, preferring to have someone bigger than me, but suddenly, I can see the appeal. He’s so different. Maybe that’s what I was missing before. Maybe he can give me what those other men couldn’t.
Maybe I just needed someone like him.
“He’s not going to stop talking. He’s trying to impress you,” Quinn whispers and I roll my lips between my teeth because yeah, I noticed some animosity back there in the coffee shop, but I didn’t know how to address it.
So I ignored it, like the cowardly man I am.
Robert isn’t touching me, but he’s standing really close and the bird is back on his shoulder, watching me intently.
“Goodbye,” it says loudly, interrupting Robert’s low drone, and I let out a small laugh.
If that isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is.
“You want to get out of here?” I ask Quinn softly, and his eyes widen.
“Where would we go?” he asks.
I swallow, not sure what the fuck I’m doing, but doing it anyways. “Anywhere.”
He looks at me, something wild flashing in his eyes, and then nods. “Yeah, Grey, let’s fucking go.”
I turn my gaze to Robert who is, of course, talking again, not realizing that no one is listening, and I lay a hand on his arm. He startles a little and then smiles over at me.
Oops, probably shouldn’t have touched him. Don’t want to give him any ideas.
“Quinn and I are going to head back,” I tell him, keeping my words short and to the point. Don’t want him to convince me to stay when I don’t wanna.
“Oh,” Robert says and shifts on his feet. “You sure you want to leave? There is still so much we can do here….”
“We’re good,” Quinn interjects loudly and then pulls me to his side. “We’re gonna go.”