Page 28 of Waiting For You

Although, I don’t really want him to be completely desensitized, just enough so he doesn’t recoil when I touch him. I want him to want my hands on him. And eventually, my lips.

And then my dick. And my balls.

Robert lets out a huff of annoyance and I smirk at him. Game on.

I am so winning this.

“So, Grey was telling me you’re nineteen,” he says.

I nod my head. He wants me to feel ashamed, but I’m not. It’s not my fault I’m young. Nothing I can do about it.

“Grey has no complaints. I have great stamina. I amso young, after all.”

Grey’s cheeks flush, and I pinch his side slightly, knowing that I’m probably embarrassing him, but not able to help myself. Not when Robert has thrown down a challenge like this.

I always was competitive.

I lean my head against Grey’s shoulder, eyeing Robert as I do it, and let one of my hands slide into the back pocket of his shorts.

He jumps again, and I resist an eye roll.

“Grey, can I talk to you for just a minute?” I say, noting that my drink isn’t ready yet. I have all the time in the world.

Robert opens his mouth to say something, but I don’t have time for his blathering, so I just pull Grey toward the bathrooms on the other side of the shop. I open the free one and pull him inside, locking the door behind me.

“What—?” he asks, but his words are cut off when I press my hands against his chest, pushing him up against the wall. He lets out a surprised huff, his hands moving to grip my waist.

“We have a problem,” I hiss.

“We do?” he asks.

“Yes. We do. You jump every time I touch you,” I say, trying to focus on the point, but holy shit. I’mtouchinghim and my dick is getting all sorts of ideas.

Like big-ass dreams. I could be President of the United States at this rate.

No one can stop me.

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t expecting an ass grab.”

“Expect it, your ass is fine. And Robert is trying to stake his claim and I refuse to let him win this.”

“Jesus, I didn’t know you were this competitive. I thought you just like winning at Monopoly,” he mutters as his hands squeeze my hips, and I bite my bottom lip. Hard. His eyes shift down to my mouth, and his tongue darts out to wet those lips of his.

“I like fucking winning, Grey. A whole hell of a lot.”

Suddenly the air shifts between us, those brown eyes of his darkening, and I swallow roughly.

“I’m sorry,” he says softly, his voice rumbling between us. I feel it all the way to my balls.

“You should be. You’re hurting my feelings, acting all afraid of me,” I say with a crooked smile.

“I’m just not used to it.”

That’s right. Kevin. That coldhearted bastard he dated for years. I remember that night when Kevin told me intimate things about their relationship. About how incompatible they were. It took everything within me not to punch him in his stupid face, my anger rearing up within me. Because I could have been the one to satiate Grey’s needs. Motherfucking me.

But I wasn’t even on his radar. I had to bide my time.

And now is my time. Grey ismine. And like hell Robert is getting a piece of this.