Page 23 of Waiting For You

“You okay?” I ask, setting my things down but keeping my distance. I wonder if my being close to him has made him uncomfortable, but then again, he’s touched me just as much as I’ve touched him. So, I think we’re okay, but still, I give him space.

“I’m fine. Just…just you know….”

I don’t know, but I just stand there and watch him, wanting to pull him into my chest, wanting to run my hands down his back and grab on to his ass. Want to grind our cocks together.

Inappropriate, but there it is. There’s no stopping it now.

“Robert was a little handsy,” I say, and Grey’s eyes slam into mine.

“He always was.”

I stare at him, wanting him to tell me that he hated it, but he doesn’t.

“I mean, it’s really disrespectful since we’re boyfriends and all…” I say, and Grey lets out a huff.

“He doesn’t know that.”

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and shift on my feet. “Well, we’ll just have to show him, won’t we?”

Grey runs a hand over his head and stares at me carefully. “Yeah, suppose we should…”

“Unless you want him to touch you like that?” I have to ask, and Grey lets out a low grunt.

“Nah, I’m good.”

And I motherfucking beam.

Yeah, that’s what I thought. Grey’s mine, Robert. Come and get him.

* * *

“So, to really sell this, we should definitely hold hands,” I say as Grey drives us an hour north to the Soo. According to Google, Sault Ste. Marie is the oldest city in Michigan and it has these locks, or canals, that cargo freighters use to move through to their destinations. You can actually stand and watch the ships rise and lower as they move to the other side of the lake. And honestly, the thought of leaning against Grey, my hand in his while we do this is something I have dreamed about.

Listen, my dick will rise and lower the entire time we’re out there, I’m sure of it.

If only Robert and his beady-eyed bird weren’t tagging along, it would be perfect.

“Holding hands?” Grey asks, running a hand across the back of his neck. “I mean, we could just lie to him, like adults.”

“Yeah, and where’s the fun in that? Plus, I believe in showing, not telling. Makes it more convincing.”

Grey lets out a chuckle and the sound lights me up.

I clench my hands tightly, resisting the urge to just crawl over to him. Ugh. If he let me, I’d so give him road head. I’d just lean over and suck him right on down.

Ngh. I want that so bad my mouth is watering.

“We should practice now,” I say, setting my hand palm up on the console because I’m an eager asshole, and I want it. Plus, the whole situation with Robert is making me insecure. Because as much as Grey says he doesn’t want him, I know that he had at one point. And Robert and I couldn’t be more different. So I’m feeling a little insecure and wary as fuck.

I just want him to hold my goddamn hand and make me feel better.

Make me feel better, Grey.

Grey eyes it and then swallows.

“Might be crossing a line if we do this,” he murmurs, almost as if he’s having an internal debate with himself.

Little does he know that I’d cross all the lines with him.