Page 107 of Waiting For You

I meet Joshua the following day at a park outside of town. The air is muggy and hot and I’m already starting to sweat—mostly from the weather, but partially from the fact that Joshua didn’t tell me what we were meeting for. I asked, but he kept it vague. Probably his way of torturing me, of teaching me a lesson. Not that I don’t deserve it, but still, help a man out. I know it has to do with our argument and the fact that I punched him, but I’m hoping that while we talk he’s level-headed about it. God, I need to remain calm too.

I hope it doesn’t end up like the last time.

I need to rein in my temper.

I stand under the shade of a large oak tree and pull out my phone, sending Grey a quick update. I don’t wait to see his response before shoving it in my pocket, my heart already thundering nervously in my chest.

When I glance up, I see Joshua approaching with Hailey.

Thank god she’s here. At least there will be a voice of reason.

“Hey,” I say when they come to a stop in front of me. Joshua looks the same as he always does, a little rumpled, a little pouty, but I don’t see anger stewing in the depths of his eyes. That has to be a good sign, right?

Hailey lifts her hand in a small wave and I return the gesture, trying to calm my nerves. Joshua and I have never argued like we did last week. We’ve never fought. I’ve always been the clearheaded one of the two of us, so I’m sure my outburst threw him for a loop. Punching him in the face didn’t help either. Yeah, I shouldn’t have done that.

I fiddle with the earrings in my ear and shift on my feet, the silence almost as thick as the humidity surrounding us.

When neither of us say anything, Hailey sighs, playing with her long braid that’s draped across her shoulder.

“Well, I’ll start then since you’re both chatterboxes. We wanted to meet…well, Joshua wanted to meet to apologize.” Joshua eyes his girlfriend, a frown on his face but he doesn’t stop her from continuing on. “To make amends. He realizes he overreacted.”

I don’t say anything, just watch my best friend carefully.

“And we were hoping that you could tell your side of the story and perhaps offer an apology as well for blowing up and punching him in the face.”

I roll my lips between my teeth and nod my head.

“I can do that.”

Joshua pouts like a child and then rolls his eyes. “Fine, I’ll start since I told Hailey I would. Iamsorry. I mean, my eyes didn’t need to see what you were doing to my dad…” His voice trails off and he swallows. “But I realize I overreacted.”

I let those words sink in and my heart swells at the attempt he’s making. It gives me so much hope.

“And I am sorry for punching you, but the things you were saying…”

Joshua narrows his eyes and Hailey holds up her hands.

“Nobuts,” she says. “You arebestfriends. You need to start acting like it.”

Those words hover between us, and Joshua peeks over at me and mutters, “Best friend who’s sleeping with my dad.”

“Josh,” Hailey hisses, and he shuffles on his feet like a petulant child.

“Sorry…it’s just…ugh, so gross. He had his dick in his mouth!”

I roll my eyes and say, “It’s not gross to me. I like dicks in my mouth.”

Joshua looks over at me and his lips quirk up. “Keep that to yourself, man. But I mean, look at it from my perspective. Do you want to see your dad getting off?”

I shudder. “Nah, I get it. Fair enough.”

We stare at each other for a moment and then Josh nods his head. “Still friends?”

I don’t even hesitate. “Sure.”

Hailey’s head swivels between us and then she sighs. “Honestly, men. I swear. It is not this easy with girls.”

We both smirk at her and she rolls her eyes to the sky.