Page 84 of Waiting For You

“Maybe it’s for the best. We’ve…we’ve ruined enough.”

“Ruined what?” I ask, even though I know the answer. We’ve ruined what he was building with Joshua and my relationship with my best friend. And we ruined what we had between us.

Before it even had a chance to fully develop, we ruined it.

“You know,” he says and then those sad brown eyes meet mine, and I collapse into the chair. Winter whines, coming up to console me and then looking back at Grey, unsure where he should go.

To be fair, I think I need Winter more. I’ve loved Grey far longer than he ever loved me.

He doesn’t love me. No, if he did, he’d fight for this. He’d fight for me.

But I’m disposable.

The thought almost makes me sick. My stomach churns and rolls.

“There’s no arguing with you is there?” I ask, scraping my fingers through my hair and breathing deeply through my nose.

“No. We both knew it couldn’t last…”

“Youknew that, but I sure as fuck didn’t,” I hiss, and Grey winces.

I stand up, jerking my duffle bag over my shoulder.

“Fine. You want me to go, I’ll go.”

Grey jolts upright and his eyes widen. “I didn’t mean right this second. It’s late.”

“I’ll be fine,” I murmur, my eyes filling with tears. I turn away, not wanting him to see me cry. No, this is all humiliating enough.

I bend down and hug Winter before pushing my way out of the trailer and begin walking toward the entrance to the campground. The soles of my shoes hit the gravel and I hear the crunch of it. I focus on the sound, trying to swallow down the sting in my throat.

Do not cry. Not yet.

Not yet.

I’ll cry when Becca gets here. Whenever that is.

“Quinn, wait,” I hear Grey call out, and I stumble to a stop. My heart is racing as Grey approaches, his cheeks red, his eyes a little wild.

“Please let me drive you. I can take you home.”

Oh god, he didn’t come back to ask me to stay. He came to ask me to leave again. That’s even worse.

“No,” I say and then continue walking.

Grey moves up to my side and continues following me, and with each foot forward, I feel like my heart is cracking more and more. I wish he’d just go away.

I wish he’d stay.

Stay with me, Grey.

Don’t make me leave.

“I’ll wait with you until your ride gets here,” he says softly, and I press a clenched fist to my mouth and bite back a sob. I can’t respond, so I just keep walking.

When I get to the main road, I find a bench just near the campground sign. I hear it creaking on its hinges as I sink down, pulling out my phone and finding Becca’s number.

I had texted her earlier, vaguely letting her know my situation and asking her to keep her phone on, just in case.