Page 36 of Ruger

“You didn’t…do anything with him?”

“No. Definitely not. Why would you think something happened?”

“He was talking shit…”

“Ah,” Jordan says with a nod. “He was jealous, so he was trying to make you jealous. Guess it worked.”

“I don’t know what I was thinking. I was so pissed at him for taking you.”

“He didn’t hurt me.”

“He really didn’t?”

“No. I flopped around the back of the van on a few turns, hit my ribs on a metal toolbox. Thane was as nice as he could be in the situation. Oh, and he gave me a burger and fries.”

“I’m still sorry he took you, that I wasn’t there to stop him.”

“I think he waited intentionally to come in when you weren’t there to avoid a confrontation with you. He had to do what Isaac wanted. If Remy told you to kidnap Thane, you would do it, right?”

I don’t like the thought of that situation, but when it comes down to it, I would do whatever my brother told me to do. It’s what I’ve done my entire life.

“I guess I would have to do it. Still, he could’ve told me! I was worried to death for hours and couldn’t tell anyone because I didn’t know if you had walked out or what until that asshole finally called.”

“So, you’ve got his number now?”

I shake my head. “No, it’s blocked.” Suddenly, I can’t help but think about the other thing he did to me, the groping. “Did, ah, did Thane mention anything other than the kiss?”

“No,” he answers instantly. “Why? Did something else happen?”


“If you say so. Anyway, I bet he’ll be calling you up for that kiss and whatever else you don’t want to talk about to happen again.”

“I told him to stay away from me.”

“He mentioned that. Why did you tell him to stay away?”

“Because I was pissed and horny, and both were all his fault. I need time to think, and thinking isn’t my strong suit.”

“Can I give you some advice, even though you’re my mentor?”


“In situations like this, sometimes it’s better not to think too much and just do what feels right.”

What feels right?

Hell if I know what that is.

If it was the best kiss of my life, does that mean it’s right?

I want to see the asshole again, even though I shouldn’t. Even though I can’t, not without someone seeing us together.



At least I’m not the only one crushing on one of the Fulton brothers. If I had to guess, Lyla has it bad after one night with Barrett before her father put an end to that shit.