Page 126 of Ruger

Bear’s having the grand opening for his charity just down the street from the garage at the old shooting range. He’s started this whole deal from scratch to help vets find a place they belong – a community, a family with motorcycle clubs all over the country. The MCs also benefit, getting decent recruits for prospects to make the clubs even stronger.

I’m happy for Bear and this huge accomplishment of his, but I’m not surprised. He’s always been smart and dedicated to helping other people.

Despite what all he’s accomplished the past few weeks, Bear’s still unhappy without Lyla. I don’t think he’s given up on getting her back, just giving her some space to see if she misses him too.

He’s doing better than I am in the heartbreak department.

I’ve moved from the lazy sloth phase to working my fingers to the bone in the shop to keep my business open.

Staying busy helps keep thoughts of Thane beat down, but he’s never quite out of my mind.

I miss him like crazy. Now that I’m living without him, I can’t believe how stupid I was being about coming out. I would do anything to see him again, even bust down the damn closet door with my fists.

Pushing aside those unhelpful thoughts, I step into the crowded one-story building to show my brother some support by making a donation.

The place isn’t very big – just a large open room with a desk and chair, a tower with brochures about motorcycle clubs, the prospecting process, and all that. There’s a door that leads out back to the restored shooting range. Every once in a while, I hear soft pop-pop-pops, but the building must be soundproofed since it’s not enough to scare the shit out of anyone.

There are also tables set up with drinks and snacks and a tower of different kinds of cupcakes.

Mostly, people are standing around talking to each other, sipping from glasses of bubbly that remind me of champagne from the wedding.

“Hey, bro, thanks for coming,” Barrett says when he comes up to me, a big smile on his face.

“The place looks great,” I tell him.

“There’s more furniture coming next week to fill it out, but yeah, it turned out great. There’s shooting out back if you want to head out to the range.”

“Ah, no, thanks. I just wanted to stop in a minute and give you this.” Reaching into my back pocket, I pull out the folded envelope with the check.

“Wow, thanks, RJ. I really appreciate this,” Bear says before he even opens it.

“It’s not much…”

“Every cent helps,” he replies.

“You seem happier than normal,” I remark. “The opening must be going well for donations.”

“It is, but I also had a surprise guest.”

“Yo, Bear! You got any more targets for the range?” a big guy asks from the back door before I can ask who the guest was.

“I’ll grab them and bring them out,” my brother calls back. “Gotta go. Help yourself to the refreshments. The cupcakes are amazing,” he says before he walks off.

Before I can feel awkward and unsure who to go talk to, a familiar redhead appears in front of me, offering me a glass of drink. “Hi, RJ. How are you doing?”

“Lyla? Wait, you’re back? You and Bear made up?” I ask in rapid succession.

“Don’t sound so disappointed.”

“What? No, I’m not disappointed. I’m just…surprised.”

No wonder my brother looked so happy. His surprise guest was the woman he’s been missing and lovesick over.

Hold on. If Lyla is back, then… I glance all around the room, even behind me, but don’t see him.

“I was just messing with you, RJ.”

“Oh. Right. So, you’re back. Like, for good?” I ask. If she’s only here to visit, Thane would still come back too, right?