Page 122 of Ruger

“Maybe you should just give in and call him.”

“You can fuck all the way off, prospect!”

“Oh. You have tried to call him? He won’t answer? Won’t call you back?”

“All of the above,” I mutter.

“Damn. I’m sorry, man.”

“I don’t need your pity.”

“What happened to you two? I thought everything was going great.”

“So did I,” I grit out between my teeth while I disconnect the sensors.

“You don’t know why he left? Maybe he just didn’t want Lyla to be alone. Maybe her father made him go with her.”

“If that were true, then why haven’t I heard a word from him?” I exclaim when I spin around to face him.

“Yelling at me won’t solve anything here, RJ,” Jordan remarks. “Tell me what happened so that maybe I can help you figure out what to do to get him back.”

“There’s no getting him back! Fuck him. I don’t want him back.”

“You’re a horrible liar,” the kid says.

“I know,” I admit as I deflate all over. “I miss him. I want him back, but it’s not gonna happen. No reason to get my hopes up.”

“Talking about it might help you move on, if nothing else.”

“Fine. You want to know what happened?”

Bracing his hands on his hips, he says, “Yes, that’s why I asked you.”

“He let me fuck him. We fucked. It was awesome for me, not so much for him, apparently. I wanted him so much I humped him later that night and…made him come by licking his, you know.”

“Ah,” Jordan says with a nod. “You tossed his salad.”

“What? No. I tongued his asshole.”

Pursing his lips hard to hold back a smirk, he says, “Yeah, man. I got that. Tossing a salad is the slang term for licking ass. Not sure where the saying came from, but that’s what it means.”

“Oh. So that’s, like, a normal thing?”

“Pretty much.”

“I thought he liked it and the sex, but I must have done it wrong.”

“There’s not really a way to do sex wrong, RJ. Just different ways to try and make it better.”

“I don’t know. I shouldn’t have done it. Any of it.”

“Did you offer to let him, you know, do those things to you?”


“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to!”