“Did you come all the way down here alone?” I ask him as I search the lot for any other bikers.
“Yeah. Let me in, Thane.”
“Seriously, though, how did you find us?”
“One of the original Savage Kings is an IT wizard. He can find anyone. It wasn’t that hard since Lyla used her credit card.”
“Well, damn. Sorry you wasted your time coming all the way down here. If you had called, I could’ve saved you the trip.”
“I did call!” he shouts. “She blocked me.”
“That should tell you everything you need to know, man. Lyla trusted you, and you lied to her!”
“I came down here to apologize and beg her to forgive me.”
“Then you’re shit out of luck because she doesn’t want to hear it. This apartment isn’t that big. I’m sure she can hear you, and if she wanted to see you, she would come run and jump into your arms. I don’t see her, do you?”
“You’re an asshole. I should kick your fucking ass.”
“Don’t take your anger at yourself out on me, buddy. And I’m stronger than I look.”
Barrett glares at me silently for at least two long minutes. “Fine.” Raising his voice, he shouts, “I’m going to sit down here in the parking lot all night in case Lyla changes her mind!”
“You’re just going to be wasting your time.”
“Guess we’ll see, won’t we?” he huffs before he trudges off.
I start to feel bad for the poor son of a bitch, but he hurt my friend. Destroyed her, even.
If she wants to forgive him, she’ll do it in her own time. Not on his schedule.
And maybe, just maybe, I think as I close and lock up the door, I could be taking out some of my frustrations with RJ on his brother because Lyla is taking a bath with her earplugs in her ears, blasting love ballads and crying. I doubt she heard a word Barrett said.
After weeks of getting back to work, back to my life before I met Thane, I’m still feeling like shit.
Mostly, I hate the last words I said to him on that voicemail, possibly the last ones he’ll ever hear from me. But I also hate myself.
Whatever made Thane leave town, it had to have been my fault. Everything is always my fault. I just wish I knew what I did wrong.
I’m too stupid to be gay. That’s all there is to it.
I should stick with women. One-night stands only. That way, I don’t have to talk to them or screw anything up. It’s just sex, and then it’s over. I never have to see them again or worry if I did something wrong. Then, I won’t get hurt.
“Hey, RJ,” Jordan says when he comes up behind me while I’m working on replacing a transmission. “Mrs. Jeffries wants to know when her Jaguar will be ready.”
“It’ll be ready when it’s fucking ready!”
“Wow. Okay. I’ll just tell her we’ll get the timing belt fixed as soon as we can and throw in a free oil change for the delay.”
“Are you okay, man? You’ve been like this for weeks,” Jordan says softly.
“I’m fine!”