“That’s how I would interpret it,” he says. “Or you could just talk to him instead of taking the chance you’ll misinterpret shit.”
“I’ll think about it,” I agree. “We haven’t really done much fooling around lately.”
“You mean since you got your head busted?”
“Because he’s worried about you. He’s not going to rush you to do anything until he knows you’re all better. Since you haven’t gone back to work…”
“He thinks I’m still recovering?”
“Exactly. As soon as you make it clear that you want to mess around with him, I bet he’ll be all in.”
“I hope you’re right.”
* * *
“So, is everything okay at the shop?” I ask RJ as soon as Jordan leaves the house and I can climb back into his bed with him.
“Yeah. The kid is a little stressed, but I told him I should be back Monday.”
“Monday? Your head still hurting that bad?”
“The headache comes and goes,” RJ says. “But mostly, I feel fine.”
“So then, why haven’t you gone back to work?”
Reaching over, he grabs my hand and holds it. “Because I like spending time with you.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. And I’ve missed you, baby.”
That statement confuses me. “I only stepped away for a few minutes while Jordan was here. I’ve barely left your side in days.”
“I know. I didn’t mean I’ve missed your presence. I meant I’ve missed kissing you and screwing around.”
The truth is, I’ve missed all that too, but it wasn’t a big deal since I was so worried about RJ. But for him, maybe it’s just about getting off.
While I’m considering that, RJ suddenly moves, throwing a leg over my waist to straddle me. His fingers run over the back of my head, and he says, “Your hair is getting longer.”
“Yeah, I need a shave.”
“No. I like it like this,” RJ tells me before his lips brush over mine gently. “There’s almost enough to pull.”
In that case, I may never cut it again.
Our kiss starts gently until our tongues get involved. Both of our hard cocks are poking each other when RJ pulls away long enough to remove his shirt, then mine. “I want you so much.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” I reply honestly.
“Me too. I finally feel strong enough to fuck all night.”
My lips curl up against his. “All night, huh?”