Page 98 of Court of Nightmares

“They didn’t mention the killings,” I murmur.

“They can’t prove it was us, and to accuse without proof is death for them. No, they are playing games and trying to walk us into a trap so they can learn our secrets and wiggle into our masses.”

“We cannot allow them in.” I might be young, but even I know what the other courts are capable of. “What about our duty? What about remaining anonymous?”

“It seems that is out of the question,” he responds.

The others nod their agreement, and my eyes narrow. “You don’t seem upset.”

“We knew this day would come eventually,” Zale remarks. “We could only hide in the shadows for so long. Although we never wanted to join court life, it might be beneficial for us now, since they are our prey.”

“He’s right,” Reve agrees, “and I do love a good party.”

“We will be weak against an attack. There aren’t enough of us,” Azul mutters.

“Doesn’t the law state that to be classed as a court, you must possess fourteen or more members? If not, won’t they simply absorb our power and claim our court as a family unit?” Lycus muses.

“Correct,” Nathair murmurs.

“So what do we do?” Osis asks, and we all look to Nathair for answers, but it is Conall who speaks.

“We call for more, of course.” He shrugs.

“We cannot accept more into our midst,” Nathair begins as he works through the logic when I clear my throat.

“The law, if I’m not wrong, states that to be a court, you must have fourteen or more creatures of the night, correct? It does not state what type of creature.”

The grin he gives me is slow and filled with hunger. “You brilliant, clever girl,” he purrs.

“Wait, what?” Osis asks, confused.

“We don’t have to call other people, just other creatures of the night. After all, we are the Court of Nightmares, so we will give them that.” I know my smirk is downright diabolical, but the idea of getting one over on the courts and seeing their faces as they walk into a gothic nightmare? Priceless.

Not to mention my rejected mate will be there.

“It’s brilliant,” Reve says as he leans over and makes gooey eyes at me.

“He’s right. It is. You are incredible,” Conall growls, making me shiver.

“Focus.” I flash fang at them enticingly. “What do we do first though?” I query.

Nathair looks around before straightening, determination flashing over his face. “We throw a party and send them an invitation. If they want to see, then let them. We will play their game.” Standing, Nathair moves to a desk in the far corner and sits heavily, stroking his fingers over the wood. “My mother carved this for me for the day when I would take the throne. I have never used it as a king, so I guess now is as good a time as any.” He opens a drawer and takes out some matte black paper. Placing it carefully on the desk, he picks up a quill and infuses it with his power.

Some use blood, but that can always be tricky since it can be used against you in spells, so spelled ink is always best. Moving closer, I lean into his shoulder and watch as he begins to write, the ink coming out a metallic gold with a shimmer of red.

The others gather closer, peering at the message. “Well, what do you think?”

“Very nicely done, my king,” I purr as I lean down and kiss his cheek. “And now, we have ten days to plan a ball.”

“Then I guess it’s time to split the tasks. We want to make an impression after all. I’m thinking of terrifying seduction. How about everyone else?” he asks, and laughter is his answer. “Then let’s show them why they shouldn’t mess with the Court of Nightmares.”

* * *

“Are you sure?” Zale asks.

Zale and Lycus stand behind me, and the others are busy working on their assigned tasks to not only get the court ready, but also us for our audience. My role is to recruit the nightmares I mentioned. I was so sure about my idea, but now I don’t know. What if they attack us? What if they turn on us?

After all, the monsters that roam this world and call the night their home are just that—animals and beasts.