Page 65 of Court of Nightmares



The days pass in a blur, and I train every day, all day with the guys. Usually, it’s one-on-one, but sometimes I train with two or three at a time. I get stronger, faster, and more powerful, and the more I feed from them, the more our connection grows. Our bond is so solid now, I can hear their thoughts and desires at all times.

It’s a real mating, and it’s perfect.

At their urging, I make this my home, adding decorations here and there, and I also make sure to wear clothes each of them likes. I love seeing their eyes blow with lust before they bend me over the closest object and fuck me like there is no tomorrow. I heal faster now too, which I noticed after a particularly harsh rutting with Lycus.

We haven’t hunted since the serial killer, though, and I think they are giving me time.

My robes and mask were cleaned and are hanging in my closet. I know they go out and track our next judgements, but they are allowing me to ease into this now, and now I’m bored and tired of being stuck in the court. Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful and I could spend a lifetime exploring all of the rooms, but I have a need to help, to do something.

I can no longer sit still, so after we eat, when Nathair usually divvies up duties, I lift my hand. “I want to hunt with you tonight.”

He blinks. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I try to contain my excitement, but I’m sure he can hear it in my voice or my thoughts.

“Then we will all go to show you the ropes.”

There’s a whoop, and I wink at Reve as he rushes to his feet.

“I’ll go pick your outfit,” he offers.

“No, I will!” Lycus roars, scrambling after him.

I hear Reve grunt, and then he comes flying back into the kitchen, sliding across the floor on his ass, but he jumps back to his feet and flies after Lycus as the rest of us just watch.

Nathair chuckles and glances at me. “Not worried? Reve will just dress you in straps, and who knows with Lycus.”

I shrug as I sip my wine, curled in Osis’s lap. “I like everything they pick anyway.”

“You are too kind to us,” he murmurs as the others clean up around us.

After I kiss Osis, I stand and then straddle my king’s lap, sensing he needs it. He grins as he holds me, and I lean down and kiss him, making him groan. It can be hard juggling so many needs, but luckily, my connection to them allows me to sense when they need my attention, even if they won’t ask for it.

“No, being kind would mean wearing nothing but your blood.” I climb off his lap and wink. “But maybe another time.” I sashay from the room, knowing they are all watching me hungrily.

There will be time to play later, though, because now, it’s time to hunt.

* * *

Nathair was partially right. There are a lot of straps, but luckily, Lycus toned him down a bit. My breasts are barely covered and pushed together by black leather straps that crisscross down my stomach and up across my neck. A red snake crosses my belly, and I knew it would drive Nathair mad—they had to hold him back from fucking me when I showed them.

My legs are encased in red leather trousers, and the heels are wicked sharp and long, so I can use them as weapons as well. My hair is slicked back in a high ponytail, and my makeup is fabulous with red lips, thanks to Reve who had fun playing with it, and smoky eyes.

Conall called it so sexy, he bookmarked the image to fuck himself to later. Azul simply grinned, and Osis blushed prettily. It’s safe to say they liked it, and even Zale practically breathed fire when I first appeared. Luckily, or unluckily, I managed to get out of the court mostly unmolested—Lycus had made me come on his fingers as he dressed me, but I don’t tell them that.

Jealousy pounds through me, and I know they heard that.Oops.

Oops later, baby. You’ll be coming all over my cock, not his, Zale promises, making me laugh as we walk up to the club.

I remember a night not too long ago when I came to a place like this. Thinking about it makes me smile because even then, I wasn’t alone. They were with me—hunting me, but still with me. Hadn’t I been thinking about how I wished I weren’t so alone?

This time I’m not.

We don’t wait in the line. We walk right up to the door and head in, ignoring the looks and whispers of the curious bystanders. To them, we are just faces in a crowd.